Conversation Between Dlpfcb and jeff@autocouture
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So in regards to the thread i bumped i will answer these for you
YES 599.99 for the mod
YES $0.00 to paint can black or keep oem up to you
NO we only offer our standard polished silver tips either diffuser length or standard for $260.00 ** we can have the tips powdercoated for an additional $100.00
NO we are not shipping these anymore. mostly because we need to weld the tips onto the exhaust ON the car when its here.
if you keep your stock exhaust the price goes up $250.00. if/when you come in, we take your stock exhaust when we uninstall it pending condition
$979.99 + tax if WE keep your stock exhaust
$1,229.99 + tax if YOU keep your stock exhaust
This is pricing installed with upgraded tips *not powdercoated
Exhaust mod reference from your thread. So just want to make sure I'm clear.
599 exhaust mod
0 Canister painted black
249 for black tips are these larger or stock size?
200 for shipping back.
I pay shipping there.
250 refunded if you keep exhaust?
Total - $800?
Thanks again for helping answer my questions.