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      03-04-2015, 05:03 PM   #1
TXSTYLE's Avatar

Drives: M8 Gran Coupe Comp & X5M Comp
Join Date: May 2013
Location: The Burbs - N TX

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Smile Let's See Your "Supplements of Choice"

With more brands than we will ever be able to try, supplements are plentiful to say the least! Of course there is tons of "fluff" out there. These days I stock to protein, vitamin and mineral supplements with an occasional test Booster (mid 40s ya know). I've been a Gym rat for 2 decades!
So Which do you guys tend to buy or prefer?

I've been on BSN and ON protein for quite sometime now. With bars, I tend to switch up brands to mix it up. eBay recently had a superb deal on some of my favorite:
Oh Yeah - Victory bars. They taste great compared to most, use no synthetic sweetners, and have a nice soft consistency. No microwave needed lol!

In case I've missed it, let's also post up "great deals" we all come across.

Appreciate 1