Originally Posted by Tyga11
...If you're hesitant about going to a sleep doctor or getting a sleep study done, you can find CPAP machines online without a prescription. I would STRONGLY go that route vs. ignoring and trying to lose weight...
I'm just going to chime in and say that is poor advice, but the suggestion about getting treatment is good advice. If the CPAP isn't fit and titrated properly it can cause issues. The same goes for those DIY oral appliances. I have had patients come to my office asking me to adjust them and I refuse. Most of the issues are changes to the TMJ and occlusion (bite). One person I saw now needs major jaw surgery because he was wearing an oral appliance they got on Amazon a few years ago. I've also had to send many people to an Orthodontist because people have screwed up their bite so badly that they can't chew food well anymore.
Just my $0.001 due to inflation.