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      08-08-2024, 04:10 PM   #44
Neusser's Avatar

Drives: G31 540i; F87 M2 Comp.
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Originally Posted by pikkagtr View Post
Weight is the biggest part of the equation
Power only helps in ONE direction
Weight affects braking, turning, fuel economy, tire wear etc.
A 400 hp 3000lbs vehicle is far and away better than a 666hp 5000lbs vehicle
Both have exactly the same power to weight ratio of 0.13333

I once took a class on driving dynamics at Sonoma raceway and still remember what was written on the white board during morning check in

A great car isn't how much power you brought to is how much weight you left at home
It is not the biggest, but it is critical. Chassis height, suspension tuning, weight position and amount, etc. are all critical.

Handling is a blend of different elements. A heavy car can handle well, as can a car with weight in the wrong places. The key question is where the limits are and what the car does when there.
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