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      11-01-2024, 05:58 PM   #16

Drives: '14 X1 x28i M-Sport
Join Date: Sep 2013
Location: on the road to perdition

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Originally Posted by Donut Lord View Post
Always someone...."that trail looks like my driveway", "my sedan can do that", but it is interesting that I never see the footage...
You never see that footage cause there is no excitement and is boring to watch. Kinda like that video. The trail was obviously groomed and well groomed at that. Nothing I saw would be something I would have even gotten out of the vehicle to inspect let alone had a spotter.

In all seriousness if one takes the time to learn how to drive such "roads" one can do a fair amount. Years ago we were driving on tribal lands we got way up the hill side. I drove my friend's Subaru Legacy. We finally got to a good spot to camp and the road further was too rough. An hour later tribal patrol came up the road thinking we were stuck only to find us merrily camping. His comment was that usually when he saw such vehicles being driven by people who were stupid or rich.

I told him were neither and that I grew up driving on such "roads" and one just had to know how to drive and the vehicle's limits as well as their own. He was in a high clearance 4x4. On our way out the next day after a great hike we drove out. I will admit that once we hit bottom a bit hard. Not perfect but no damage.

IMHO most of these mfg videos are kinda lame. So not impressed. Especially as someone who drove a T100 and now drives a Land Cruiser (not one of the new 4 banger 250s).
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