Thread: Wine Thread
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      11-21-2024, 04:23 PM   #1331
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Originally Posted by BMWGUYinCO View Post
I'll admit it: I'm a wine snob. It's very rare that I like a wine below the $30 price point.

But this is an exception: I was recently given a glass of the 2022 Kirkland Signature Series Rutherford Cabernet Sauvignon without being told what it was...when I found out, I was blown away. I'm not saying this is indistinguishable from a $70 Stags Leap, but this will compete with some great wines in the $30 - $45 price point. And for $18!!!

So I'm recommending this for a weekday drink; pair it with sirloins or heavy appetizers. Incredible value!
Was out in California some years ago at a gathering and a gentleman walked up to the bar and asked me for an Irish Whiskey. There was a bottle of Jameson on the bar so I grabbed it to pour a drink. He seemed disappointed but that was all I had at hand so he took it. The host noticed this and said he'd be right back and he came back with another bottle which he did not show to this gentleman. He poured two shots and announced he had found another bottle but he wanted to conduct a blind taste test. The Irish Whiskey connoisseur went through all the usual swirling, smelling, swishing and proudly announced the second bottle was the better whiskey. The host then presented him with the bottle of Kirkland's Irish Whiskey.

Not saying the Kirkland offerings are top of the line but for the price point they are excellent offerings.
2021 X3 M40i
1974 2002tii, Inka, 5 sp manual
BMWCCA # 327475

Last edited by kscarrol; 11-21-2024 at 05:04 PM..
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