Thread: Wine Thread
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      11-26-2024, 11:42 PM   #1339
Private First Class
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Dinner tonight with great old friends who are now out of town but in for the holiday weekend. Had the '99 and '02 Chevillon Vaucrains side-by-side. The '02 was tastier tonight - more open and slightly brighter, the '99 was still brooding and grumpy.

Another member of my local dinner group was at another table and sent over tastes of three wines, the best of which was the rare treat of the '07 Pignan CdP. Just ethereal on the nose as all of Reynaud's wines are (11 out of 10), more of an 8 out of 10 on the palate but still a real treat, along with an excellent Meursault and a good Groffier Chambolle.

Pretty fine night for a Tuesday!

Then I got home and opened today's shipping arrival only to find out that 6 of the bottles were not what I had ordered - first world problems. So it goes.
Appreciate 3