Do you know if 19” wheels will clear your brakes?
This guy is in Maine.
I forgot for a minute that you are currently in Cali.
If 19” wheels will clear your brakes these and those tires in the next link, in Kansas City could be a perfect match!! This guy is in Anaheim.
$700!!! This guy is in LA! This is a square setup, which is really the best choice, but they wouldn’t work with the Kansas City tires.
This is an absolutely incredible deal on a staggered set of 19” winter tires!!
This guy is in Culver City. You could ask if he would sell just the wheels or you could buy the whole set and sell the tires yourself. Because they are practically new you could probably sell the tires for around $1,200 - $1,000, but that’s about all because folks aren’t willing to pay a lot for used tires, even when they are practically new.