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      03-08-2025, 09:52 AM   #1
Second Lieutenant

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Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: United States

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Matte Paint with full PPF and ceramic coating...what should I use?

So just purchased an M3CS and it has the frozen white paint. It has been fully covered with ppf and ceramic coating. Here's the details on that:
Suntek Matte PPF
ceramic coating:
Nanolex SI3D Cerabide on the ppf
Nanolex ultra glass on the glass
Nanolex Si3D Rims on the Rims

What car wash soap would you recommend? I know there are open seams where the paint is touched when I wash it...but barely though.

I contacted the shop where the ppf/ceramic was put on and they recommended: Nanolex Pure Shampoo, nanolex wheel cleaner and iron remover, and Detailer's Domain Front Line Ready.
I always leery of companies recommending products they sell...and there's not a ton of info out on these products.

Can anyone recommend good products for my car? I've never had a matte finish vehicle. Typically I use adams car wash (foam is and mit two bucket) first. Then felgenreiniger for the wheels. Leaf blower and then wipe down with bead maker.
Is there a better system for preserving the matte paint/matte ppf and ceramic coating?

Thanks everyone!
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