Originally Posted by zx10guy
Is it bad that I can relate to this meme and partially recognize the actual switch being pictured? It's either a Cisco Catalyst 4500 or 6500. Worked on plenty of them back in the day.
I could have created some interesting memes back in the day if I had the ability to take pics. Some of the things I saw were just mind blowing. One was when I had to locate a 6509 switch at a data center. Walked the aisle a number of times and couldn't find it. I finally did when I spread open a literal curtain of cables that blocked me being able to see the switch.
I've mentioned this before, but I'm a Chief Technology Officer in Healthcare. About 5 years ago, I was touring some hospitals that had their "data center" within the basements of the actual hospital (I won't mention the hospital system but it is VERY large). And yes - not good to have the DC in the basement.
In any case, the wiring I saw would make a network engineer's eyes bleed; it was a spaghetti fest blown up by a nuclear bomb. At the time, I was trying to migrate their tech out of the basement and into a properly hosted data center.
I could tell you some stories that would make you never want to visit a hospital. I'll share one now though. The DC was in the basement directly below the dialysis center. One day, they experienced a leak that went through the floor and fell into exposed racks containing network hardware (Cisco Catalysts in fact). Aside from the emergency downtime, we had to have a hazmat crew come in to clean and remove contaminated equipment since the leak contained toxic organics. I don't know who originally set up the compute infrastructure in these places, but they certainly didn't know or think about what they were doing.