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      Today, 11:36 AM   #9799
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Originally Posted by BMWGUYinCO View Post
I've mentioned this before, but I'm a Chief Technology Officer in Healthcare. About 5 years ago, I was touring some hospitals that had their "data center" within the basements of the actual hospital (I won't mention the hospital system but it is VERY large). And yes - not good to have the DC in the basement.
In any case, the wiring I saw would make a network engineer's eyes bleed; it was a spaghetti fest blown up by a nuclear bomb. At the time, I was trying to migrate their tech out of the basement and into a properly hosted data center.

I could tell you some stories that would make you never want to visit a hospital. I'll share one now though. The DC was in the basement directly below the dialysis center. One day, they experienced a leak that went through the floor and fell into exposed racks containing network hardware (Cisco Catalysts in fact). Aside from the emergency downtime, we had to have a hazmat crew come in to clean and remove contaminated equipment since the leak contained toxic organics. I don't know who originally set up the compute infrastructure in these places, but they certainly didn't know or think about what they were doing.
Funny enough I come from healthcare, but in engineering for "big iron" medical equipment OEM. Weird circle to be in Ag today, but here we are.

It is nuts what some facilities are using and downright spooky what gets a pass for patient use - especially with the cost of healthcare!
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