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      08-27-2008, 11:19 AM   #62
wuufer001's Avatar

Drives: 2006 E90 M/T
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: DFW, TX//Taiwan//South Africa

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2006 325i  [9.34]
Originally Posted by darkphantom View Post
Ok...welll SHHHH! Don't tell anyone!!

Rewind to last year minus a week.

It was saturday and I was heading home, (1 week away from my bday, it was the 21st of aug...) so my mom calls me and says she's not feeling I rush home, and when I come through the garage door, I see my mom standing there. Me: "mom, what's wrong??" Her:"nothing....*with a grin on her face*....turn around!"
Me: "huh?"
so I turn around and I see my fiance (gf at that time) standing there! I was so SHOCKED! and Surprised! I literally had my mouth wide open for 5minutes!!!
I had no Idea she was coming, nor did I think she would be able to!
Total surprise, and a very pleasant one....too bad she only came over for a day...

Fast forward to today!

She is going home today to see her family, and she had insisted in the past that I go see her this weekend since it's labor day and all...but I told her that since my school has already started, I won't have much time and I'll be bogged down with work. I've been telling her about how I'll come visit her in thanksgiving, so she believes me. Her mother and I have planned a surprise for her tomorrow, and she has NO clue!! hahaha, I can see how she felt during the weeks prior to visiting me! I can barely hold it, but I can't just spill the beans now!

seems like you gonna have a good time and gonna enjoy it. my gf and i have already planned on going to houston this long wekend. i think thats the thing getting into me. have been feeling tired from monday. maybe i need more sleep.
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