Originally Posted by .:bHd:.
I'm glad you want to learn the professional software instead of the easy one. I wish someone had told me that before
I would suggest either Ableton or Logic. I use both. Just starting out in logic but pretty advanced in Ableton. I mostly use Ableton for remixing but if you wanna produce a song from scratch I would recommend Logic. Haven't used protools but it's up there with logic and Cubase.
My advice is stay away from FL studio. It may look fun and easy but once you learn it you're gonna run into big problems advancing in it. Take my advice. Learn the professional program instead of the easier one. Ya it may be harder but it pays off in the end.
I learned photoshop and final cut pro and am very glad I did. I also wanted to learn 3D modeling but unfortunately took the wrong path and went for the easier to use program. Trust me you don't wanna do that. Especially if there isn't a lot of support for it from 3rd party developers.
+1. if you want to be serious go for the professional program. if you will use ableton or something similar, it would help to learn about mixers. also try to read about proper gain structure so you dont end up with crappy recordings that distort even in low volume. these programs kinda work like real mixers except digitalized. the way you will route signals to channels would be very similar. pick up one of those yamaha sound reinforcement book as a reference.
...to BHD...
i learned google sketch up some years ago. the thing is easy to use but pretty limited. i regret getting stuck with it for my first two years of architecture. try rhino, auto CAD 2007 or later, or 3ds max instead. maybe a little harder to learn but these programs are really powerful.