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      02-05-2010, 03:18 AM   #19
Lieutenant General
Year's_End's Avatar

Drives: 2020 Shelby GT350
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: FL

iTrader: (0)

it's not rocket science. drink a ton of water and don't drink on an empty stomach. drink your alcohol more slowly so you don't get shitfaced instantly.

if you get the spins or think you're about to pass out, you only have a few options.

1) puke: easy ticket out but it's not healthy and it's not fun.

2) don't close your eyes and eat bread: if you close your eyes and have the spins, it'll only make it worse. if you're about to pass out then get ready for a bitchin hangover and possible dicks drawn on your face.
Past: '08 E92 335i|ZPP|ZSP|6AT
Past: '15 Mustang GT|401A|PP|6MT
Current: '20 Shelby GT350|6MT
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