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      08-22-2010, 09:00 PM   #8
OC ///M
Dr. Octagon
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Drives: Moonstone e92 M3
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: South County

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Congratulations BMW/Rahal/Letterman!

We really needed the 92 car to come through today, but I'm very happy for the 90 car win, Joey and Dirk drove hard.

  • Bergermeister apologized for taking out the BMW.
I'm glad to see this bullet point in the OP that Bergmeister apologized for the bump. I thought I was the only one who noticed this.

After watching the countless replays I was yelling at the Flying Lizard team through the tv all the while the commentators on the Speed Channel didn't even mention this important fact. I think Bill could've withstood the impact of the Lmpc car, but coupled with the nudge from behind, disaster was imminent.

Hopes were high for a repeat 1-2 Road America finish for BMW. All eyes will be on the replacement 92 car chassis, with the GT standings are so close, next week promises to be a big one.
OC ///M

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