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      03-09-2025, 08:48 AM   #155
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Every one of your neighbors had to pay the 5% sales tax on their car and you think that you get to be treated differently because you don't feel like paying. My 4 year old knows better.
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      03-09-2025, 09:03 AM   #156
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Originally Posted by Mech Spec View Post
Every one of your neighbors had to pay the 5% sales tax on their car and you think that you get to be treated differently because you don't feel like paying. My 4 year old knows better.
That is completely besides the point, my neighbors could do it too if they wanted to spend the time. It is a loophole anyone can use. "Your neighbors are doing it so you should too" isn't exactly a great argument.

Perhaps I am on the wrong forum, this isn't the for purchase of a BMW with a little $1500 tax bill. I just saw the tread so I figured id ask. I've seen multiple exotics in my state with MT plates, I will ask them this season at the local car meets.
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      03-09-2025, 09:08 AM   #157
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Other people are leaches to society so I should be too. Such a loser mentality.

Do you throw trash out if the window of your car while driving?

You already are afforded the benefits of paying less in taxes due to your wealth (I know I am, with ltcg and passive income/losses and current llc tax treatment) but thats not good enough for you, you have to cheat to pay even less.

I know it's normalized in the wealthy circles. It's still wrong and has nothing to do with the value of the car you are purchasing.
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      03-09-2025, 09:33 AM   #158
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Originally Posted by Mech Spec View Post
Other people are leaches to society so I should be too. Such a loser mentality.

Do you throw trash out if the window of your car while driving?

You already are afforded the benefits of paying less in taxes due to your wealth (I know I am, with ltcg and passive income/losses and current llc tax treatment) but thats not good enough for you, you have to cheat to pay even less.

I know it's normalized in the wealthy circles. It's still wrong and has nothing to do with the value of the car you are purchasing.
Not wanting to give the government MY money is far from leaching off society. If there is a legal way to pay less taxes I will always try to take that route.

I wouldn't consider myself even close to wealthy, perhaps upper middle class. The middle and the upper middle classes gets F'd the most in taxes to subsidize the unemployed and the government, I think is something like the bottom 30-40% of Americans excluding the elderly don't even end up paying any taxes, meaning they get what they paid or even more back in taxes during tax time. Those are the real leeches to society. So forgive me for not wanting to pay more into that waste machine.

I highly doubt any of the people in this thread are "wealthy" we are all just car enthusiasts that could find better uses for the money
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      03-09-2025, 10:48 AM   #159
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Originally Posted by BlkGS View Post
Tax fraud is tax fraud. Don't like it? Chamge the tax code. Cheating is cheating no matter how you try to justify it.
I would love to change the tax code, it is in desperate need of change.

Highly unlikely but perhaps this administration will continue cutting waste and get some money back into the hands of the middle and upper middle class people who deserve it most.
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      03-09-2025, 11:38 AM   #160
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Originally Posted by BloomRunsDubs View Post
I would love to change the tax code, it is in desperate need of change.

Highly unlikely but perhaps this administration will continue cutting waste and get some money back into the hands of the middle and upper middle class people who deserve it most.
To me it looks like money and benefits will be taken from the poor and middle class and given to the very rich. The upper middle class will likely stay about the same. Trickle down economics. I understand the theory, but it rarely actually works. The tax code has been expanded tremendously by representatives (lobbyists) of the rich. It would be great to simplify it, but I am still in favor of a progressive tax system that taxes the rich at a greater rate than the poor. What needs to happen is for the loopholes written in by the lobbyists for the rich to close. This administration is unlikely to do that — they have already stated they want to expand the tax cuts that benefit the rich, which will add to the deficit that our children will have to repay. Tarriffs won’t pay for the continued used tax cuts. The deficit will grow. Educate yourself and stop following conspiracy theorists who appeal to the baser instincts of the ignorant.
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      03-09-2025, 11:58 AM   #161
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Originally Posted by pbonsalb View Post
To me it looks like money and benefits will be taken from the poor and middle class and given to the very rich. The upper middle class will likely stay about the same. Trickle down economics. I understand the theory, but it rarely actually works. The tax code has been expanded tremendously by representatives (lobbyists) of the rich. It would be great to simplify it, but I am still in favor of a progressive tax system that taxes the rich at a greater rate than the poor. What needs to happen is for the loopholes written in by the lobbyists for the rich to close. This administration is unlikely to do that — they have already stated they want to expand the tax cuts that benefit the rich, which will add to the deficit that our children will have to repay. Tarriffs won’t pay for the continued used tax cuts. The deficit will grow. Educate yourself and stop following conspiracy theorists who appeal to the baser instincts of the ignorant.
I agree with most of this, however they are cutting waste which is a step in the right direction.

Again any upper middle class person that that works for a living and pays taxes can see that we are scalped. This is not a conspiracy theory, its literally right in front of you on an almost daily basis.

What I disagree with is you trying to tell me that our tax dollars are going to good use and that there is no government corruption or waste which is absolute lunacy
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      03-09-2025, 12:02 PM   #162
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Your vehicle is local sales tax though, are you asserting that your state is wasting money? Why are we even mentioning the federal government?

You have much more power to assert against your state government if you think they are doing such a bad job with your money.
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      03-09-2025, 12:11 PM   #163
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Originally Posted by Mech Spec View Post
Your vehicle is local sales tax though, are you asserting that your state is wasting money? Why are we even mentioning the federal government?

You have much more power to assert against your state government if you think they are doing such a bad job with your money.
Exactly! You are getting it. I have more power to assert against my state government. Which is why I am looking into registering in Montana in the first place, so I don’t have to give them more of my money lol
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      03-09-2025, 12:20 PM   #164
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Local sales tax is a ripoff in my city. 100% sure of that. I could list off all the stupid things they do and don't use that money towards but it'd turn too political. I would gladly not pay my city any tax if I could because it's being wasted.
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      03-09-2025, 01:12 PM   #165
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Willing to bet that around 75% of you city's annual budget is police, fire, schools, trash and roads. The other 25% goes to admin costs (people, offices, benefits)

Those pesky public services! you could easily move to where they don't exist.

But the sales tax on a vehicle goes to the state, little broader scope of services there.
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      03-09-2025, 02:11 PM   #166
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Originally Posted by Mech Spec View Post
Willing to bet that around 75% of you city's annual budget is police, fire, schools, trash and roads. The other 25% goes to admin costs (people, offices, benefits)

Those pesky public services! you could easily move to where they don't exist.

But the sales tax on a vehicle goes to the state, little broader scope of services there.
Most government/ state provided programs and services are extremely overfunded, mismanaged and flat out wasteful. There is tons of room to save the taxpayer money, not sure why this is controversial.

Small example, my state dumped more inches of road salt on the roads this winter than we got inches of snow
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      03-09-2025, 02:30 PM   #167
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Another benefit that people forget are unnecessarily restrictive local or state level emissions and inspections.

I have a 94 Japanese (euro spec) M3. I live in PA but it lives at my business in CA. There is no legal means of registering it in CA. So, a Montana plate allows me to drive it in CA along with 2 other cars that would otherwise be difficult to register there.
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      03-09-2025, 02:46 PM   #168
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Did some additional research...

In my state, it is illegal to register your car out of state if your car is operated more than 30 days a year in state. It appears (and the sources are a bit hard to find) that this is true in many states that have similar laws.

Anyway, it will always be true, that registering a car in Montana is tax evasion/fraud if the car is not garaged in Montana. Whether you become a target of enforcement is the only open question.
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      03-09-2025, 03:24 PM   #169
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Originally Posted by Mech Spec View Post
Did some additional research...

In my state, it is illegal to register your car out of state if your car is operated more than 30 days a year in state. It appears (and the sources are a bit hard to find) that this is true in many states that have similar laws.

Anyway, it will always be true, that registering a car in Montana is tax evasion/fraud if the car is not garaged in Montana. Whether you become a target of enforcement is the only open question.
Register your cars in Montana, be a man. Lol You think they know how many days a year your driving in your state? I have zero issues with people doing stuff like this. Middle /upper middle pay crazy taxes. If you can save a few bucks, god bless you. Don’t worry though, the new Administration is going to send these groups a check soon. So you can use that for your registration fees. Lol. Don’t hold you breath😏
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      03-09-2025, 03:31 PM   #170
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Originally Posted by Efthreeoh View Post
Bit of a US history lesson...

The US was litterally formed on the idea of personal property ownership and property taxes levied on that property. Originally voting rights to control our Representative government was based on representation via (property tax) taxation. Saying property tax is a scam, is pretty much an acknowledgement of a lack of understanding basic US history.

We also didn’t have income tax or sales tax when the US was formed
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      03-09-2025, 11:28 PM   #171
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Originally Posted by BloomRunsDubs View Post

We also didn’t have income tax or sales tax when the US was formed
Or nuclear powered hypersonic stealth drone tanks.
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      03-10-2025, 09:00 AM   #172
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Originally Posted by Mech Spec View Post
Did some additional research...

In my state, it is illegal to register your car out of state if your car is operated more than 30 days a year in state. It appears (and the sources are a bit hard to find) that this is true in many states that have similar laws.

Anyway, it will always be true, that registering a car in Montana is tax evasion/fraud if the car is not garaged in Montana. Whether you become a target of enforcement is the only open question.
The last 4 vehicles I ordered/purchased had specific clauses that I was prohibited from registering the vehicle in Montana or purchasing with an LLC. With trade-in credit & a low vehicle sales tax, I didn't pay a whole lot in taxes anyway. More than $0, sure, but nothing to really complain about.
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      03-10-2025, 11:18 AM   #173
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The legal costs of fighting your tax fraud case are WAY higher than just paying the tax.

What are you going to say when you get pulled over, and hand over a license from your state and a registration from a Montana LLC? You think that the cops are going to be stupid enough to believe that you normally keep it in Montana, live here, and just happened to be driving this car that resides out of state normally? They're not as foolish as you are for thinking you're gonna get away with it. Now you've got an improper registration charge, as well as potential tax fraud issues.
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      03-10-2025, 11:59 AM   #174
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Originally Posted by BlkGS View Post
The legal costs of fighting your tax fraud case are WAY higher than just paying the tax.

What are you going to say when you get pulled over, and hand over a license from your state and a registration from a Montana LLC? You think that the cops are going to be stupid enough to believe that you normally keep it in Montana, live here, and just happened to be driving this car that resides out of state normally? They're not as foolish as you are for thinking you're gonna get away with it. Now you've got an improper registration charge, as well as potential tax fraud issues.
Thankfully I don’t live in California where they crack down hard on everything except for violent crime.

I’m fairly certain I could just be honest with my local police and tell them I registered it in Montana to avoid sales tax and they would say “Huh interesting have a nice day” This is why I was asking if anyone had done it in my state, like I stated before I see a few exotics around with Montana plates. I will have to connect with some of the local exotic owners and ask them about it. I never meant for this conversation to get so off topic, I just thought I’d ask and started getting attacked by tax enjoyers. Thanks everyone for the input!

Last edited by BloomRunsDubs; 03-10-2025 at 01:39 PM..
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      03-10-2025, 12:37 PM   #175
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Originally Posted by BloomRunsDubs View Post
I wouldn't consider myself even close to wealthy, perhaps upper middle class.

I highly doubt any of the people in this thread are "wealthy" we are all just car enthusiasts that could find better uses for the money
You're "upper middleclass", but you have an M4, M3C, RR SVR, Hellcat, and Gallardo? Sorry that you're struggling so much. By all means, skirt and avoid taxes that the 99.9% of the rest of the population pays. Just be aware of your state's rules and laws with property taxes and avoidance and how often you can drive the car and how long it can stay in your state on an annual basis. Again, sorry that you cannot afford your tax bills on your beaters.
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      03-10-2025, 12:41 PM   #176
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Originally Posted by Mech Spec View Post
I know it's normalized in the wealthy circles. It's still wrong and has nothing to do with the value of the car you are purchasing.
This bolded statement is so true amongst the wealthy and how they view their tax "struggles".

Life ain't fair. Just ask the folks with a family living on sub $50K/yr that work their tails off and can't get ahead for a multitude of reasons outside their control.

Sorry if I have little sympathy for the majority of wealthy folks continuously gaming the system to their financial benefit.
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