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      02-05-2010, 01:38 AM   #1
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Anyone here with an MBA?

I'd be interested to hear any story you can share. I've always been intrigued with business/finance/investing since high school, but I've never taken a course in any of the go figure.

I'm about a year away from finishing up my MS in environmental health. I love the field I'm in and can make a great living in the field, but a part of me feels like trying to get an MBA. It's hard to explain...most of you would probably tell me to go get a job and start my career. That was the plan until now..the question of 'what if' keeps coming up, ie 'what if I enjoy that side of the work force more than what I'm in now'.

Any who, thanks in advance gents.
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      02-05-2010, 03:07 AM   #2

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Take a summer course in financing or something.

I'm all for avoiding reality and staying in school for ever. I'm on year 5 now. Another 3-4 more to go.
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      02-05-2010, 11:08 PM   #3
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I've got an MBA. I would suggest you think about what sort of career field you might want to get into after the MBA, then take a class in that. People use an MBA to get into all sorts of business-related career fields (management, marketing, economics, finance, business development, etc).
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      02-05-2010, 11:46 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by H2 View Post
I've got an MBA. I would suggest you think about what sort of career field you might want to get into after the MBA, then take a class in that. People use an MBA to get into all sorts of business-related career fields (management, marketing, economics, finance, business development, etc).
I will look into it. My major concern is that I may be too old to the earliest I will be 25 when I start my MBA.

Do you think the prestige of the school plays a big role in this BTW?
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      02-06-2010, 12:08 AM   #5

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for most reputable MBA schools, they require you to have 2-3 years of relevant work experience in the field
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      02-06-2010, 12:16 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by ac1208 View Post
for most reputable MBA schools, they require you to have 2-3 years of relevant work experience in the field
I've also heard this from my doctor. He said his son has a bachelors in business and is now working and plan on doing so for a couple of years before going after the MBA.

My biggest concern right now is my age. How I wish I would never messed around the first 2 years of my undergrad.
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      02-06-2010, 12:22 AM   #7

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Originally Posted by wj4 View Post
I've also heard this from my doctor. He said his son has a bachelors in business and is now working and plan on doing so for a couple of years before going after the MBA.

My biggest concern right now is my age. How I wish I would never messed around the first 2 years of my undergrad.
Thing with MBA schools is that not only do you learn, they want you to be able to share your experience in the field and enhance the classroom experience.

Lots of people go back for an MBA in the 30's, if you go back in your mid-late 20's, it's not that bad.

It's also a good thing that a lot schools look at your GPA from the last 2 years of undergrad.
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      02-06-2010, 12:46 AM   #8
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I’ve worked in corporate America for over 10 years and opened my own successful law firm in the process so here is my take on a MBA so take it for whatever you think it’s worth. If you plan on being an entrepreneur and start up your own business, don’t bother with the MBA. You will learn everything on your own in the real world and save 50K in the process. Starting up a small business is not that hard, it only takes common sense and a good idea.

If you are working in Corporate America and you have a set goal to be a Director or VP then a MBA might help you get there a little faster. You still have to complete a few killer projects to get there but the MBA might get you over the hump to the next level a little faster. Results are the real measurement in a corporation. Seek out difficult projects and make them successful and you will be a Director or VP with or without a MBA.

If you just want to be a working professional and don’t want the big title, don’t waste your time with an MBA. It’s a very specific degree with a very specific purpose. My personal opinion is too many people get the MBA but don’t get the full benefit to offset the cost in time and money.
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      02-06-2010, 12:55 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by ac1208 View Post
Thing with MBA schools is that not only do you learn, they want you to be able to share your experience in the field and enhance the classroom experience.

Lots of people go back for an MBA in the 30's, if you go back in your mid-late 20's, it's not that bad.

It's also a good thing that a lot schools look at your GPA from the last 2 years of undergrad.
+1 on all this. To OP: You're definately not too old - I went and got my MBA four years out of undergrad, when I was 25. As far as what school to go to: a "better" or well known school can always help, but it becomes less important when you have work experience and other factors for potential employers to consider.
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      02-06-2010, 01:34 AM   #10
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man all this concern about age and education. I'm 29 and graduating this May with a BS in Justice and Law administration. Basically a business administration degree with more emphasis in the legal system and law field. Pre law for short. I feel down sometimes, but then I remember that I dedicated 10 years of my life to the military and did 2 deployments so life and leadership experience far surpasses my colleagues in school. Everyone always tell me that age is nothing when it comes to education. It's hard to believe it, but I have to remember my accomplishments and time away in the military. It's not too bad. I'm boning 19 year old college chicks so that helps. Education is key and you're never too old bud. I'm not stopping here. Once I get into the career field I want, I'll be starting law school.
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      02-06-2010, 02:15 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Cosmop View Post
I’ve worked in corporate America for over 10 years and opened my own successful law firm in the process so here is my take on a MBA so take it for whatever you think it’s worth. If you plan on being an entrepreneur and start up your own business, don’t bother with the MBA. You will learn everything on your own in the real world and save 50K in the process. Starting up a small business is not that hard, it only takes common sense and a good idea.

If you are working in Corporate America and you have a set goal to be a Director or VP then a MBA might help you get there a little faster. You still have to complete a few killer projects to get there but the MBA might get you over the hump to the next level a little faster. Results are the real measurement in a corporation. Seek out difficult projects and make them successful and you will be a Director or VP with or without a MBA.

If you just want to be a working professional and don’t want the big title, don’t waste your time with an MBA. It’s a very specific degree with a very specific purpose. My personal opinion is too many people get the MBA but don’t get the full benefit to offset the cost in time and money.
Opening my own business is a possible route. My undergrad was in Environmental And Occupational Health...same major for my Masters now. Several of my professors have consulting firms and this is the route I'm interested in.

I also may leave the U.S. for another country, which is a 3rd world country, where laws and regulations about the environment are pretty much non existent...making my field of work also non existent.

Originally Posted by H2 View Post
+1 on all this. To OP: You're definately not too old - I went and got my MBA four years out of undergrad, when I was 25. As far as what school to go to: a "better" or well known school can always help, but it becomes less important when you have work experience and other factors for potential employers to consider.
This is what I took me 6 years to get my BS due to switching majors and retaking some courses that I horsed around. I plan on finishing my current Masters in Fall of 2010.

I've always been fascinated with the business world, always read books about financing, investment, business for leisure purposes. And if I do decide to relocate, the MBA would help out a lot.
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      02-06-2010, 12:37 PM   #12
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Married But Available? Nope, not me...
Enjoy the ride!
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      02-06-2010, 01:57 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by wj4 View Post
This is what I took me 6 years to get my BS due to switching majors and retaking some courses that I horsed around. I plan on finishing my current Masters in Fall of 2010.

I've always been fascinated with the business world, always read books about financing, investment, business for leisure purposes. And if I do decide to relocate, the MBA would help out a lot.
Maybe it is a sign that you should go into business. Who knows, you might be very good at it. Also, don't worry about wasting your time man. You did what you had to do. I mean no one expects to waste time, it just kinda happens. So just accept it and move on. I mean it's only 1.5 years. I know people in their late 20's and even early 30's just getting a BS degree. I also know people in their 50's and 60's going back to school because they want to learn more.

So my take? It's never too late to go to or go back to school. Hell you're only 25 man. That's still pretty damn young. If you think about it, most people are actually on a 5-6 year plan in college so by the time they graduate they are about 25-26. You're basically on the right track. Here's my advice: if you are curious about business then just go into it. What's the worst that could happen? You learn some new stuff and that could help you if you decide to open a business. What's the best case? You become very good at it and make it big time!! Just be sure not to ponder about it too long because before you know it, another year and a half have passed by...
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      02-06-2010, 03:04 PM   #14
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If you love the field you are in and have dedicated so much effort and time into it, i would get a job in it and see how it feels first. You can get an MBA any time, but first make use of what you already have (or will have).
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      02-06-2010, 04:08 PM   #15
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I started my MA when I was still working for "the man" but when I started my own business, I was like screw this!

If you're working in something icky like finance, then I'd say any advantage you have over the next guy, the better. It almost seems like getting a master's is the norm now.

Nothing beats good old "on the job" experience though. I think I learned more in my first 2 months of employment than I did in 4 years of school, seriously!

Also, it's possible that if you get a job first, the company will offer some sort of tuition reimbursement.

EDIT: Just noticed you are already closing in on one Master's. Stop going to school and start working!
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      02-06-2010, 11:29 PM   #16
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You can do an MBA with a concentration in health - there are few great programs out there. I did my MBA through University of Florida (executive program) with a concentration in healthcare management. I'm applying to a few schools right now to obtain another Masters in Health Informatics and Health Public Policy.

I'm a firm believer that an MBA will not be as effective in your work until you have enough experience. The only exception is what field you're working in - being health - I would expect 3-4 years of management experience to really apply your knowledge. See if your company will pay for you to get your MBA and allow you to use your work as a foundation.

Best of Luck
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      02-07-2010, 01:04 AM   #17
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Kentucky Fried Chicken, Kitchen Fresh Chicken... call it what you will, it's still a bucket full O' shite.
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      02-07-2010, 01:17 AM   #18

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Originally Posted by tag824 View Post
Kentucky Fried Chicken, Kitchen Fresh Chicken... call it what you will, it's still a bucket full O' shite.

hrmmm, buckets... that reminds me of the Bozo show. I always wanted to play the bucket game.
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      02-07-2010, 04:48 PM   #19
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You can get an MBA in so many different areas, so pick something you're interested in and go with it.

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      02-07-2010, 06:48 PM   #20
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My parents and grandparents don't understand that I can't go get my MBA now... I graduated undergrad at 21, and they think, like my cousin who is getting her PhD in some science thing... that you need to wait to get a MBA..

If one does his/her own thing, you don't really need a MBA

but it does look nice
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