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      01-19-2009, 05:28 PM   #45
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      01-19-2009, 10:27 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by Comet View Post
I play WoW

I'm in a raiding guild. We rank 20th on our server (fluctuate, but around there mostly).
I'm not some noob to the guild either. I'm a raider, level 80 in Tier gear. (doesn't get better than that!)

My social life doesn't suffer. I have a gf, a job, and a lot of friends.
We raid 4 times a week.
I see my friends regularly and my gf like 4 times a week.

usually I turn it on after I go home. Which usually coincides for raid time. I've never ever ditched real life plans for WoW unless the plans sounded boring. Instead of staying home trippin' balls, I log on. It's great for those days when u got nothing to do.
It's a hobby. I'm also in shape, not the best but it works out.

it isn't the game's problem if you can't manage your time properly.

I've gotten into fights with my gf over this. yes it's true. But then again she also got up in my grill over spending time racing at the track.
the same way people break up over spending too much time in the garage, is the same way people break up over this game. It becomes a hobby.
You would be considered as a very very good/lucky case. I've RARELY see anyone that I know that plays WoW get hired by a respectable firm nor think about looking for girls. One thinks it's a waste of time and money. I was shocked. Before he played WoW, he LOVED girls. When I started WoW and got attached to it, I managed my time wisely as well because I was a college student back when I played. It was going well when the time to complete quests took longer/harder as I leveled higher.. so for example, I'm currently playing WoW, I look at the time. It's 3pm and my class time was at 3:30. I'm thinking, one quick quest won't take long.. so I head out to finish the quest. On the quest, you realize the quest is taking longer than one thought and when you look at the time, it's 3:25pm. You've gone this far and if you leave now, everything you've achieved/travelled will be gone unless you save at the nearest town (which takes +@ amount of time) so you say "screw it!" and you play until you finish your goal. You're late to class. When I was hooked to WoW, I think of excuses, a LOT of excuses. I realized I was acting more violent/offensive when I played compared to now.

I can compare WoW to 24 (whoever watched it and didn't play WoW before. Both of them are great, but at some points, one must inevitably go to the next episode/quest not for joy of the game, but just to see what happens next.

Oh, and at least car modding you can share the beauty and enjoyment of your modified ride in the real world, where many people admire it. Otherwise, when someone brings up WoW one asks "what is WoW"? or has a weird/unoptimistic look on the face.
Go WiTh ThE FLoW.

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      01-19-2009, 10:35 PM   #47
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just takes too much time to get anything accomplished in that game. Welcome to the world of MMO's. I quit playing it as i have not so much time on my hands as when i was younger without any responsibility.
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      01-19-2009, 10:36 PM   #48
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been there done that, got to 80 .. had no life for 3 months so quit cold turkey.
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      01-19-2009, 10:42 PM   #49
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Haha I remember playing Star Wars Galaxies in middle/high school and getting into fights with my mom. She would be screaming at me to get off and do my HW, and I would be yelling back, "PLEASE JUST 30 MORE MINUTES! IF I DON'T GET TO MY HARVESTERS AND HOUSE TO PAY MAINTENANCE THEY WILL BLOW UP AND I'LL LOSE EVERYTHING! PLEASE!"

I used to play WoW as well, but I haven't touched it since freshman year of college. I'm so super busy with school and being an officer in BAP that I don't have time, but every now and they I think how it would be nice to get back into it.
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      01-20-2009, 01:25 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by ichiban View Post
been there done that, got to 80 .. had no life for 3 months so quit cold turkey.
Nice. We should have a WoW-holic Anonymous
Go WiTh ThE FLoW.

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      01-21-2009, 03:37 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by mJ335 View Post
You would be considered as a very very good/lucky case. I've RARELY see anyone that I know that plays WoW get hired by a respectable firm nor think about looking for girls. One thinks it's a waste of time and money. I was shocked. Before he played WoW, he LOVED girls. When I started WoW and got attached to it, I managed my time wisely as well because I was a college student back when I played. It was going well when the time to complete quests took longer/harder as I leveled higher.. so for example, I'm currently playing WoW, I look at the time. It's 3pm and my class time was at 3:30. I'm thinking, one quick quest won't take long.. so I head out to finish the quest. On the quest, you realize the quest is taking longer than one thought and when you look at the time, it's 3:25pm. You've gone this far and if you leave now, everything you've achieved/travelled will be gone unless you save at the nearest town (which takes +@ amount of time) so you say "screw it!" and you play until you finish your goal. You're late to class. When I was hooked to WoW, I think of excuses, a LOT of excuses. I realized I was acting more violent/offensive when I played compared to now.

I can compare WoW to 24 (whoever watched it and didn't play WoW before. Both of them are great, but at some points, one must inevitably go to the next episode/quest not for joy of the game, but just to see what happens next.

Oh, and at least car modding you can share the beauty and enjoyment of your modified ride in the real world, where many people admire it. Otherwise, when someone brings up WoW one asks "what is WoW"? or has a weird/unoptimistic look on the face.
lol I know what you mean about the quest thing.
That's why if i'm gonna log in for 30mins, I make sure I don't quest!
I'll do a daily or work on my professions, or make money off the AH.

As for people who look at me weird cuz I play wow, I say to hell with them.
I used to go to clubs every weekend, now it's very rarely because of WoW
i see that as a positive side-effect. I'm saving money and I've lost weight because I don't consume as much alcohol (or at all actually)
some people consider that being a negative side effect.

I miss work maybe once every 2 months for WoW.
I used to miss much more often when I'd go out to clubs. Parties on thursdays, waking up on a friday messed up and not feeling like it.

It's not the game's fault really.. It is the person's
like you said, 24 causes the same thing. is it 24's fault for being so intriguing (apparently.. I don't like that show).

I know tons of people who lead perfectly normal lives while being hardcore raiders. :/

It's funny however how the large majority are jobless people
If they knew I drove a E93, they'd flip. Most of these guys have trouble dishing out the 15$ a month.
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      01-22-2009, 04:37 PM   #52

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I think Comet hit the nail on the head, so to speak. It's about the person playing the game not the game itself. If somebody is addicted to Warcraft chances are they'd easily be addicted to a number of things.

I too have a level 80 character and I raid regularly. There were a couple weeks where I'd spend a few hours a day on my way to 80 but now I play 3-4 hours 2 or 3 times a week. I also play paintball, that takes about the same amount of time. I spend way more time than either reading. I have a good job, I'm married and get out and do things.
It happens that WoW gives me something to do on the nights I'm at home and my wife is at school.
I'm no fatter now than when I started playing warcraft. I suppose if I spent 3-4 hours at the gym instead of playing wow I'd be ripped. But that's not my idea of fun, so why do it?

Kudos to the kid that lost the weight. But blaming a game or drug or any other addiction for your problems is just an excuse.
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      01-22-2009, 05:38 PM   #53
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This is why I don't have sympathy for people addicted to things. You are doing it to yourself, and to blame your addiction is ridiculous.

I've been a person that if I was ever addicted to ANYTHING...when I said that was it, I stopped cold turkey, and never looked back. I have the will power to do so.
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      01-22-2009, 05:56 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by TiAg335i View Post
This is why I don't have sympathy for people addicted to things. You are doing it to yourself, and to blame your addiction is ridiculous.

I've been a person that if I was ever addicted to ANYTHING...when I said that was it, I stopped cold turkey, and never looked back. I have the will power to do so.
Couldn't agree with you more, and good job!

Comet and brocken, couldn't have said it better myself. It's all up to one's self-control. People that jump to conclusions and blame the game itself don't know what they are talking about.

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      01-23-2009, 03:32 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by brocken View Post
I think Comet hit the nail on the head, so to speak. It's about the person playing the game not the game itself. If somebody is addicted to Warcraft chances are they'd easily be addicted to a number of things.

I too have a level 80 character and I raid regularly. There were a couple weeks where I'd spend a few hours a day on my way to 80 but now I play 3-4 hours 2 or 3 times a week. I also play paintball, that takes about the same amount of time. I spend way more time than either reading. I have a good job, I'm married and get out and do things.
It happens that WoW gives me something to do on the nights I'm at home and my wife is at school.
I'm no fatter now than when I started playing warcraft. I suppose if I spent 3-4 hours at the gym instead of playing wow I'd be ripped. But that's not my idea of fun, so why do it?

Kudos to the kid that lost the weight. But blaming a game or drug or any other addiction for your problems is just an excuse.
what server/faction? :P

Aggramar-US alliance side FTW

I agree with the gym thing.. I just hate doing the gym at night.. then I can't sleep
I do it in the morning
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