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      03-22-2020, 08:46 AM   #89

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Originally Posted by jamesinaz View Post
A lot of people have been fortunate enough to never meet violent or desperate people. They live in a bubble that says civilization will always protect them. And I hope it does for them because if they ever need to protect themself they are likely screwed. Boxing gloves and big dogs won't work.
First, big dogs often work. Period.
Also, stats show that households that own guns have more gun deaths & injuries than households without. So, are you really safer, or are you just enthralled with boy-toys that make big noise?
If you want to get apocalyptic, history shows the ones who survive are the ones with money. Somehow, they always have a chicken in the pot, & they have TP.
So pick your weapon wisely!

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      03-22-2020, 08:50 AM   #90
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Originally Posted by jamesinaz View Post
Originally Posted by johnung View Post
Change whatever makes it so easy to have straw gun sales in Ohio that the NJ State Police say that's where most of the crime guns used in NJ originate. I haven't heard anyone complain that straw gun sales from NJ are supplying crime guns to their state. I would bet that every state knows where crime guns used in their state originate. I don't write laws for a living and would much rather research car stuff.
Have you not read the discussion? There is already a law and requirement in place preventing straw sales. What new law would you pass that would work if this one isn't?
Simple. Throw out the law that doesn't work and copy the law from another state where it does work.

An obvious change many states have made is to limit the number of guns that a person can buy at one time and/or a period of time. Someone who wants to make a quick buck selling straw guns wants to buy as many guns as they can over the shortest period of time. Someone buying a gun to hunt or to target shoot doesn't have a need to buy in those quantities. If every state made that change, it would choke the source of straw crime guns nationwide. Our cops and citizens would be safer.
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      03-22-2020, 08:51 AM   #91
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And the rich that typically survive also seem to have "armed" security detail/bodyguards. And live in houses that could be considered compounds.
Everybody has a gameplan....until they get punched in the mouth.
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      03-22-2020, 08:52 AM   #92

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Originally Posted by Littlebear View Post
First, big dogs often work. Period.
Also, stats show that households that own guns have more gun deaths & injuries than households without. So, are you really safer, or are you just enthralled with boy-toys that make big noise?
If you want to get apocalyptic, history shows the ones who survive are the ones with money. Somehow, they always have a chicken in the pot, & they have TP.

You know houses with big dogs statistically have more children killed by big dogs. So are you really safer or does having that big dog penis enhancer make you less safe?

Do we really want to go down the path of insults or would you like to scale this back?
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      03-22-2020, 08:53 AM   #93

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Originally Posted by johnung View Post
Simple. Throw out the law that doesn't work and copy the law from another state where it does work.

An obvious change many states have made is to limit the number of guns that a person can buy at one time and/or a period of time. Someone who wants to make a quick buck selling straw guns wants to buy as many guns as they can over the shortest period of time. Someone buying a gun to hunt or to target shoot doesn't have a need to buy in those quantities. If every state made that change, it would choke the source of straw crime guns nationwide. Our cops and citizens would be safer.
Clearly you don't want to respond to this. The law exists. Why another one would work is something you evade.
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      03-22-2020, 09:10 AM   #94

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Originally Posted by jamesinaz View Post
You know houses with big dogs statistically have more children killed by big dogs. So are you really safer or does having that big dog penis enhancer make you less safe?...
More children killed by dogs than by guns??
Is that last indicative of how you view big dogs?

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      03-22-2020, 09:12 AM   #95

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Originally Posted by jamesinaz View Post
Clearly you don't want to respond to this. The law exists. Why another one would work is something you evade.
Um, why do we have any laws in this world?
Clearly, good laws work, bad laws don't.

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      03-22-2020, 09:43 AM   #96
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Originally Posted by Littlebear View Post
More children killed by dogs than by guns??
Is that last indicative of how you view big dogs?

No houses with big dogs have more kids killed by dogs than houses without dogs just like houses with guns have more kids killed by guns than houses without. It's common sense proved out by statistics.
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      03-22-2020, 09:46 AM   #97

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If you're not just in it for the playin', you can get your dog trained by someone who used to train police dogs, like I did with Onslow!
The cops & military use dogs often.
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      03-22-2020, 09:48 AM   #98

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Originally Posted by 1MOREMOD View Post
.... It's common sense proved out by statistics.
That's what I'm looking for, common sense, not over reaction.


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      03-22-2020, 10:57 AM   #99

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Originally Posted by Littlebear View Post
More children killed by dogs than by guns??
Is that last indicative of how you view big dogs?

The question is - did you accidentally misread what I wrote or intentionally misquote me?

BTW - I love ALL dogs.
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      03-22-2020, 11:08 AM   #100
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      03-22-2020, 11:31 AM   #101
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Originally Posted by Littlebear View Post
My post still stands.
About the time I moved to the Lower East Side of Manhattan, I bought a heavy bag & gloves. When we moved to Brklyn, we got a capable dog.
Seeing us walking the street was more of a deterrent than some scared person packing a hidden gun, and safer to others, also.

OK. You are not ignoring your responsibility to protect yourself and your loved ones, you have chosen to use fists and dogs. Maybe that has something to do with living in NY? I don't have the fisticuffs option, I'm getting up in age and have a plethora of medical problems. I look more like Santa Claus than Chuck Norris.

Living in Tennessee, guns are a way of life, they are everywhere. It's not about being scared, it's just part of our culture. That's a misconception, that seeing someone walking around with a gun on their side means they are scared of something. I'm not scared of being attacked because I know what I can do. I know what I can do because I practice, I'm prepared. I know the laws, I know to stay aware of my surroundings and I know to make eye contact with suspicious characters. Situational awareness is key in self-defense. That applies to any chosen method of defense, dogs, fists, or guns.

The threat is real, there are gangs in Jackson. Their initiation rituals are off the chain crazy. There for a while one of their rituals was to drive with the bright lights on and chase down and attack anyone that dared to flash their lights at them. Then it was knock on your front door and attack you when you answered the door. Then it was ride around with the music as loud as it would go and attack anybody that complained. They are mostly contained to the hood but sometimes they venture out into better parts of town.

The sad fact is there is evil in this world and bad people do bad things, usually to the unprepared.
I'm not completely useless, I can be used as a bad example.
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      03-22-2020, 12:20 PM   #102

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Originally Posted by jimbobiggens View Post
OK. You are not ignoring your responsibility to protect yourself and your loved ones, you have chosen to use fists and dogs. Maybe that has something to do with living in NY? I don't have the fisticuffs option, I'm getting up in age and have a plethora of medical problems. I look more like Santa Claus than Chuck Norris.

Living in Tennessee, guns are a way of life, they are everywhere. It's not about being scared, it's just part of our culture. That's a misconception, that seeing someone walking around with a gun on their side means they are scared of something. I'm not scared of being attacked because I know what I can do. I know what I can do because I practice, I'm prepared. I know the laws, I know to stay aware of my surroundings and I know to make eye contact with suspicious characters. Situational awareness is key in self-defense. That applies to any chosen method of defense, dogs, fists, or guns.

The threat is real, there are gangs in Jackson. Their initiation rituals are off the chain crazy. There for a while one of their rituals was to drive with the bright lights on and chase down and attack anyone that dared to flash their lights at them. Then it was knock on your front door and attack you when you answered the door. Then it was ride around with the music as loud as it would go and attack anybody that complained. They are mostly contained to the hood but sometimes they venture out into better parts of town.

The sad fact is there is evil in this world and bad people do bad things, usually to the unprepared.
It's nice being a tough guy and having a tough dog. But not everyone has that option. I guess they are just supposed to be helpless if anyone stronger than them wants to hurt them. Seems to be the message here.

BTW - give me a fake beard and costume I'll give you a run for the Santa look.
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      03-22-2020, 12:51 PM   #103
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Originally Posted by jamesinaz View Post
It's nice being a tough guy and having a tough dog. But not everyone has that option. I guess they are just supposed to be helpless if anyone stronger than them wants to hurt them. Seems to be the message here.

BTW - give me a fake beard and costume I'll give you a run for the Santa look.
Nothing to do with being a tough guy. I'm in probably the best shape of my life, boxed most of my life, been involved in combative arts most of my life, and until recently taught self defense to LEO until we closed classes.

I've been in more altercations than I care to remember, and thought when younger I was Superman. I train to be as prepared as possible.

But introduce a gun into the situation and everything changes. That's why I have guns. If someone breaks into my home, I'm assuming they are armed and I want as equal a chance as they have.

Ive been shot before, so I'm a lot more apprehensive and distrustful of people in general. In case something we're to happen, 99% of the time the person who acts first is the one coming out on top.

Plus call me stupid, but I treat our pets as family members. And I would protect them as voraciously as I would anyone else in my home.
Everybody has a gameplan....until they get punched in the mouth.
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      03-22-2020, 01:28 PM   #104

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"First, do no harm".

Although I have expressed wonder at why some people may want, or think they need, guns, & large amounts of them, to protect themselves, I have not said it isn't sometimes a valid choice.
But how do these guns get into my nabe?
I control my dog Onslow with a "Dogtra" shock collar (the one for 'stubborn' dogs!), because he is very alfa & macho.
Why can't gun owners & buyers do what is needed to lessen the harm caused to others by the gun they, ultimately, sold (or lost, or threw in the closet, or....)?
I too would like to protect others, & I have. But if that form of protection causes more harm than necessary, no thanks, we can do better.

"Plus call me stupid, but I treat our pets as family members. And I would protect them as voraciously as I would anyone else in my home."

Ditto. And Onslow, a working dog, would want to protect me. We are a team!

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      03-22-2020, 01:38 PM   #105

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Originally Posted by jamesinaz View Post
The question is - did you accidentally misread what I wrote or intentionally misquote me?

BTW - I love ALL dogs.
I didn't quote you, period! And I read very well, thank you for caring.


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      03-22-2020, 05:32 PM   #106
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Originally Posted by jamesinaz View Post
Originally Posted by johnung View Post
Simple. Throw out the law that doesn't work and copy the law from another state where it does work.

An obvious change many states have made is to limit the number of guns that a person can buy at one time and/or a period of time. Someone who wants to make a quick buck selling straw guns wants to buy as many guns as they can over the shortest period of time. Someone buying a gun to hunt or to target shoot doesn't have a need to buy in those quantities. If every state made that change, it would choke the source of straw crime guns nationwide. Our cops and citizens would be safer.
Clearly you don't want to respond to this. The law exists. Why another one would work is something you evade.
Not evading anything. You are just spouting NRA talking points rather than a discussion to solve a real problem of getting straw sale crime guns off the streets all around where I live!

Law in Ohio allows many guns to be easily bought over a short time. They turn into straw sale crime guns sold on the streets in NJ for quick cash. Scrap that ineffective Ohio law for a law like the law in NJ that allows fewer guns to be purchased over a short time.

I personally would like to see the Governor of NJ do more than just announce the crime gun statistics that show that the guns are coming from Ohio straw gun sales. I'd like to see him meet with the Governor of Ohio about it.

If Ohio doesn't fix it then NJ should make a giant public stink about it. Sue Ohio. Sue the straw sale individuals in Ohio. Sue the Ohio gun shops who made money on the straw sales. I don't care, whatever works.

We just gotta get the damn Ohio guns off the streets in NJ. This isn't some vague thing. We gotta crime gun problem and we know the exact source of the guns, Ohio!
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      03-22-2020, 07:51 PM   #107

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Originally Posted by Littlebear View Post
I didn't quote you, period! And I read very well, thank you for caring.

You attributed this to me:

More children killed by dogs than by guns??

I never said it. So are you disingenuous intentionally? Seems so since you fail to recognize how you framed that.
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      03-22-2020, 08:06 PM   #108

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Originally Posted by johnung View Post
Not evading anything. You are just spouting NRA talking points rather than a discussion to solve a real problem of getting straw sale crime guns off the streets all around where I live!

Law in Ohio allows many guns to be easily bought over a short time. They turn into straw sale crime guns sold on the streets in NJ for quick cash. Scrap that ineffective Ohio law for a law like the law in NJ that allows fewer guns to be purchased over a short time.

I personally would like to see the Governor of NJ do more than just announce the crime gun statistics that show that the guns are coming from Ohio straw gun sales. I'd like to see him meet with the Governor of Ohio about it.

If Ohio doesn't fix it then NJ should make a giant public stink about it. Sue Ohio. Sue the straw sale individuals in Ohio. Sue the Ohio gun shops who made money on the straw sales. I don't care, whatever works.

We just gotta get the damn Ohio guns off the streets in NJ. This isn't some vague thing. We gotta crime gun problem and we know the exact source of the guns, Ohio!
First I wouldn't know what NRA talking points are. As I mentioned I am not a member. Just for clarity - I do not listen to Rush Limbagh. I don't watch Hannity. I rarely watch Fox or CNN. And you might be surprised at what other political views I hold.

I am pointing out that straw sales are already illegal. You keep suggesting passing a law in Ohio. Now it's a meeting. But don't expect Ohio to pass the same onerous laws NJ has just because NJ has a violence problem. If NJ has an issue with guns coming from other states get the feds to crack down on any illegal transfers and prosecute. Ohio has no obligation to change their system to accommodate NJ.

You might recognize that the violence on NJ streets is caused by additional factors other than where the guns come from. And that it doesn't take many guns to have lots of violence and if they can bring in tons of dope they can bring in enough guns to supply the violent criminals.

BTW, as an ex-resident of NJ I am aware of some of the weird laws you have regarding guns. My family did not have lots of guns when I grew up. He owned a Savage .22 caliber rimfire rifle from his childhood in Connecticut. It is a semi-automatic tube magazine fed that holds about 18 .22 bullets. When NJ passed it's "assault weapon" ban it defined ANY semi-automatic rifle that held more than 10 bullets as an assault weapon. My father, who had forgotten he even had a rifle, was surprised when I mentioned that he was now a felon if he did not dispose of his rifle. He pshawed and said it wasn't for his rifle. Yet the law said he was a felon now if caught. This is the level of idiocy in many of the knee-jerk laws passed in the various states in reaction to horrific events.

And with all the new laws in NJ the last 20 years has violence been reduced? I don't know. But if not let's blame Ohio. Yeah, that's the political escape.
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      03-22-2020, 08:14 PM   #109

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Originally Posted by Rmtt View Post
Nothing to do with being a tough guy. I'm in probably the best shape of my life, boxed most of my life, been involved in combative arts most of my life, and until recently taught self defense to LEO until we closed classes.

I've been in more altercations than I care to remember, and thought when younger I was Superman. I train to be as prepared as possible.

But introduce a gun into the situation and everything changes. That's why I have guns. If someone breaks into my home, I'm assuming they are armed and I want as equal a chance as they have.

Ive been shot before, so I'm a lot more apprehensive and distrustful of people in general. In case something we're to happen, 99% of the time the person who acts first is the one coming out on top.

Plus call me stupid, but I treat our pets as family members. And I would protect them as voraciously as I would anyone else in my home.
Wow. You've had some interesting times. I also trained in martial arts when I was younger. Lifted weights regularly until 4 years ago. But between age, new knees and a bout with septic shock (4 years ago) I am incapable of physical confrontation. I can not even lift heavy weights now. Still lift but feel like a pansy with the amount of weight I use.

I feel fairly safe where I live and am not afraid to answer the door. My point to many in this thread is not everyone has the same level of safety as I do in my area. Some NEED protection and can't wait for the police. And I would also defend my wives cats. Don't tell but I kinda like them too.
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