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      12-13-2009, 06:46 PM   #1

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WOW Accounts for sale (While we're doing this)

I have two accounts both are on the same account at the moment but I believe they can be divorced. Having multiple accounts comes in very handy in many situations for power leveling yourself. One of them is paid on 6 month blocks so I think its good for several months and the other not listed here is a month by month account which should also be paid. I'll have to double check that.

Ripoge - 80 Night Elf Priest - Male - Kel'Thuzad
450 Enchanting / 450 Tailoring
450 Cooking, Fishing and First Aid
Titles: Champion of the Frozen Waste, the Pilgrim, Challenger, of the Nightfall

I haven't played the character much since 3.1 came out. So I have very little Ulduar gear and the rest of it its basically BiS or near BiS pre-Ulduar gear. I have Dual specs, Shadow PVE and Disc PVP. I have s6 tier 1 PVP weapons. In my current raid gear, I do about 4700 dps on patchwerk 25 as an example. Three Piece Tier 8 gear. Character is the Guild Master of a guild that I have left unattended for quite some time. There should be 5 bank tabs and a few thousand gold in there. Has Epic flying also. I have lore-master of Northrend as well as Outlands. I hit lvl 80 10 days after Wrath release - 11/24/08 when it was released on 11/14/08.

Raid spec:
2290 Spellpower
371 Hit Rating
14.60 Crit (should be 17%) so its a bit low
Haste: 429
Regen: 340

Some notable Items:

Illustration of the Dragon Soul
Dying Curse
Signet of Manifested Pain
T8 Legs, Chest and Hands
Wyrmrest Necklace of Power
Epic Purple Shirt -> its the only epic shirt slot item and it has an animation

2/5 Furious and 3/5 Hateful Set pieces. All Furious non-set items.
983 Resilience
2354 Spellpower
140 Hit Rating -> 90 Spell Penetration (both stats are sufficiently min capped for pvp at 80)
10.31 Crit
314 Regen

In season 6 I never finished with a high rating because I quit playing but had all three brackets in 2k->2300 MMR range.

Riproar - 71 Night Elf Priest - Male
Intended purpose was for dualboxing in bg's. Never really got past this but the combination is viable, very unique and never seen. I would find it difficult to kill someone with double pennance, double fear, double pain suppression and double Power Infusion + Absorbing shields.

Riprip - 65 Human Rogue - Male - Kel'Thuzad

Lecilius - 60 Human Paladin - Male - Aerie Peak

Sordanious - 53 Human Mage - Male - Aerie Peak

The main priest used to reside on the other account however I transfered him so I could give my rogue some BOA gear.

I'm open for reasonable offers. I have a 34 druid on the other account.
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      12-13-2009, 06:55 PM   #2

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Originally Posted by Bryan0102 View Post
im glad youre on your way to getting your life back on track!
yeah... I haven't played for several months. As soon as I bought my project 335i I haven't played at all. Instead of staring at my computer all day, I spend tens of thousands of dollars. Yay...
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      12-13-2009, 07:12 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Bryan0102 View Post
good, now you can go get some pussy with your BMW and good looks rather than greasy 10 year olds at a LAN center!
If you need a BMW to get pussy, I think you have a bigger problem than him.
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      12-13-2009, 09:01 PM   #4

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Originally Posted by Bryan0102 View Post
im all butthurt now.
videogames get me pussy, when i was in 8th grade i got my cock sucked while playing CS source if you must know.
getting headshots was hard, but i managed- wow on the other hand.... never gunna happen
in fact just last week i played nazi zombies with my girlfriend before some foreplay

i mean seriously, wow looks like a box of crayola crayons exploded on the screen.
Actually i've gotten head while BG'ing. And I was getting more pussy while I played that game than I am now actually. I have no time for women as it currently sits. Well. Not a lot anyway
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      12-14-2009, 06:16 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Bryan0102 View Post
im all butthurt now.
videogames get me pussy, when i was in 8th grade i got my cock sucked while playing CS source if you must know.
getting headshots was hard, but i managed- wow on the other hand.... never gunna happen
in fact just last week i played nazi zombies with my girlfriend before some foreplay

i mean seriously, wow looks like a box of crayola crayons exploded on the screen.
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      12-22-2009, 10:56 PM   #6
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I quit playing too.... now I have a rotting account with 2 80's and 30k gold. GG me.
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      12-23-2009, 12:48 AM   #7
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I'm calling bullshit on you having 5s in 2300 MMR when you don't even have High Five 1550. Outdated gear and very unimpressive achievements/titles/guild/alts/feats to make up for it. There is literally nothing appealing about this account, considering the gear you can get from heroics is better than every slot you have, except the weapon I think.

Good luck selling, because everything here looks pretty average :\

Challenger? Come on man.
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      12-23-2009, 05:10 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by OhHerro View Post
I'm calling bullshit on you having 5s in 2300 MMR when you don't even have High Five 1550. Outdated gear and very unimpressive achievements/titles/guild/alts/feats to make up for it. There is literally nothing appealing about this account, considering the gear you can get from heroics is better than every slot you have, except the weapon I think.

Good luck selling, because everything here looks pretty average :\

Challenger? Come on man.
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      12-25-2009, 08:23 PM   #9

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Originally Posted by OhHerro View Post
I'm calling bullshit on you having 5s in 2300 MMR when you don't even have High Five 1550. Outdated gear and very unimpressive achievements/titles/guild/alts/feats to make up for it. There is literally nothing appealing about this account, considering the gear you can get from heroics is better than every slot you have, except the weapon I think.

Good luck selling, because everything here looks pretty average :\

Challenger? Come on man.
I got challenger in s6 with a 5's team completely on accident and didn't even realize it until about 3 weeks after the season ended because I had stopped playing that toon. We were 2000 mmr. I don't know why you have any reason to doubt that? our comp was: Arcane mage, Resto druid, Disc priest(me), mut/prep rogue and a destru lock. The only reason we didn't get duelist or rival was our team stopped playing due to arguing about whose fault shit was. If you've played a 5's team you'll see how that is more than possible. This happened with pretty much every team i've been on. I had 2100+ in 2's but also stopped playing that because my rogue partner started playing an alt when the news about 2's not counting rumor came out.

Getting a 2k+ mmr in 3's the MRP isn't hard? Pretty much faceroll comps if your team mates are good and have low ping times. If you are someone who has struggled to see 2k+ mmr's in arena brackets this shows quite a bit about your pvp skills. Its all about knowing your partners, knowing what your strategy is going to be as soon as the game starts and not making too many mistakes. If you give me a couple weeks to practice again, and a geared priest, I'll happily play with a good rogue into 2k+.... Nuff said.

Why would you come in here and criticize my thread when I've clearly stated I haven't played for TWO major content patches? You also realize there are achievements for completing instances with low ilvl gear also right? If you don't like it the stfu. If you think your a better wow player then me, I really couldn't care less. People like you flood trade chat with your immaturity. If you are good, I don't really fuggin care ok? its a damn mmo nerdy game bro. Chillax and go get laid. If you think you've taught me a lesson then good for you, I have lots of cookies.

Don't act like half the shit you've got means anything considering you pug a run and get 5 epics. The game has turned into something designed for 'the whole family' to enjoy. This is why there are better places to spend my time and money instead of a watered down version of what I originally started with.
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      12-26-2009, 03:34 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by klipseracer View Post
wall of text
Wow, first of all you seem REALLY mad at some simple criticisms on your CHARACTER, not even you as a person. Take a second and breathe. It's just an internet post about some pixels. I was just stating an opinion that your offer is for an extremely average character that you normally wouldn't sell. Wasn't calling you bad or anything, but you made it out like it's this great thing you're selling here.

I was saying that you claim 2-2.3k MMR yet your achievements don't reflect you reaching high ratings. You haven't been on a team higher than 2k in any of the three brackets, and in 5s your highest team rating was 1522. Your 2s and 3s teams were close to 2k, yes, but in WotLK 2k is more like TBC's 1650, heh. Your highest persons haven't been above 1620, so it's pretty obvious that you were on a few 'okay' rated teams but never played enough matches to even catch up to the team ratings.

I didn't say anything about you as a player or any of my characters, and this isn't about calling you bad and me good or something. You're just some random average player on the internet, why would I care about demeaning you to make myself feel better? I know how good I am and I don't need to shove it down people's throats like you seem to do. I've also never lied or exaggerated the truth to sell an account, lmao.

I'm not sure why you get all defensive here and say "The game has turned into something designed for 'the whole family' to enjoy." Is that why you never accomplished anything worthwhile in the game? I mean I can see from your character statistics how many arena games you've played, which is a hell of a lot more than most 'no life' people. I guess the reason why you lost so many of your games was because it's 'something for the whole family' now? Don't talk shit about things you don't understand <3

Merry Christmas, and GL on your account selling
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      03-04-2010, 06:27 PM   #11

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Originally Posted by OhHerro View Post
backpeddling like a b*tch
Almost all of those arena games I played were with my IRL friend who isn't very good. If you don't have anything positive to say about my thread just stay out. Thanks. Not like I really care this was more of a feeler and I've decided to lend the accounts to my friends.

You called bullshit on something that was in fact true, you basically downplayed a character that I represented accurately. I gave verbatim information on what my character was wearing and highlighted anything that had any value on the character. You are sitting here saying your unimpressed. No one posts a for sale thread so people like you can come in here and needlessly bash and talk down about what I'm offering. You obviously have a big mouth and I think you've really impressed a lot of people in here by showing your elitist stature. Give me a break lol. Show me your character and Ill be the judge of how much better you are. You sound like a Game Master from the arrogance. Not that I'd give you any credibility for being one in the first place.

Team Rating and MMR are different. I never said anything about team rating or mentioned that I was even good at all. So why are you even trying to make a point about how bad I supposedly am? No one asked you to comment on that.

Last edited by klipseracer; 03-04-2010 at 06:36 PM..
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      03-04-2010, 08:19 PM   #12
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I had an all 232/245 lock and I quit just before ICC came out. Gave my toon to a guildie and walked away. GD am I glad I don't have to do that shit anymore.... Started as a hobby, turned out to be just another obligation. I can't play games with endgame content because I just get too into it. I don't know how to turn myself down from 110% besides just walking away from it. It sucks.

That being said, GL with selling your toon.
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      03-04-2010, 09:56 PM   #13
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Wow, I don't understand a freakin' thing that has been said in this thread.....


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      03-05-2010, 09:21 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by scollins View Post
Wow, I don't understand a freakin' thing that has been said in this thread.....


Yes it probably is actually....

That game is the debbul.
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      03-05-2010, 01:44 PM   #15

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On the bright side I played wow in 3d last night just for fun with my new glasses... It can realy give some depth to the game for sure!
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