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      06-15-2016, 11:36 AM   #23

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Originally Posted by KingOfJericho View Post
I had a similar one as well.

I was driving to work at about 7am and I habitually bite my nails when I drive. Nobody else on the road and I drive by a cop who pulls right out. I was shocked.

Cop: Do you know why I pulled you over?
Me: No, sir.
Cop: You were talking on your cell phone.
Me: No, I was not.
Cop: Yes, you were. Give me your phone.
Me: (digs phone out of pocket)
Cop: (pretends like he know how to look up my last call)
Me: I can assure you I was not on my cellphone, officer.
Cop: Were you talking on that blackberry? (points to my old school iPod classic)
Me: That's an iPod...
Cop: Well you were speeding too so do you want a ticket for the cellphone or the speeding?
Me: What? I wasn't speeding, sir.
Me: I don't think I should get a ticket at all because I wasn't doing either one of those things.
Cop: I'll be right back.
Me (sticking my head out the window as he's walking to his cruiser): How fast was I going, exactly?
Me: ????????
The cop then turns around, walks back to my window and throws my stuff back in my car and says "SLOW DOWN!" and walks away.

It was so fucking awkward. It's ok dude, you made a mistake... just admit it and let us go on with our day. Thinking back, I can see how it probably looked like I was on my phone but I wasn't. No ticket, just this mediocre cop story.
Yup, just admit you made a mistake. No one will think bad of you.
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      06-15-2016, 12:40 PM   #24

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Ah. Irvine. Yup.
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      06-15-2016, 02:20 PM   #25
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Has anyone here read the book Games People Play? Most police officers are taught to take on the "Parent" role when dealing with people; the problem is most of them also are NOT taught how to deal with a person who refuses to be the "Child".

Think about the first thing an officer says to you when he walks up to your window: "Do you know why I pulled you over?" This question is designed to put you in the role of being a "child" (who has done something wrong) and establish their "authority" over you. When you don't play along, that's when they get hostile. Best bet is to break their pattern before they even get started, e.g. before he even begins to speak say "Why good morning officer, I'm so glad to see you" -- pattern interrupted and no he's no longer trying to be the "parent".
- Michael

2016 BMW M3 (stock)
2005 Jeep LJ (slightly modified)
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      06-15-2016, 03:08 PM   #26

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Got pulled over once before.

Cop: You're getting a ticket, do you know why?

Me: Cause I'm brown??

Cop: Yes. Bingo.
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      06-15-2016, 03:42 PM   #27
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No, I did not see you on the 405 today.
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      06-15-2016, 03:48 PM   #28
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If I was a murderer I don't think I would put it on my license plate
Untitled by supralx570, on Flickr
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      06-15-2016, 03:54 PM   #29
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I got pulled over for a stupid reason last week too. Mind you, I just got my e90 M3 maybe 3-4 weeks ago. I was driving on a normal neighborhood road and we got warning of speed traps. Knowing this, I drive like a grandma in our city. Sure enough, a cop just finished pulling someone over, and pulls onto the road and I happen to just pass him. So, he's behind me for about a mile or so in stop and go traffic during rush hour. After about 8-10 minutes or so, the sirens go off and this follows:

Cop: Nice car, but you've got issues with it.
Me: really? like what? I actually just got it
Cop: You should've checked it out better, your brake light is out.
Me: Apologies officer, like I said I just got the car, so I haven't had a chance to thoroughly inspect it.
Cop: License and registration please.
*I give it to him, no issue. He goes to his car and comes back.
Cop: You know, I think your problem is intermittent because now I see they're working just fine.
*cop asks me to step out of the vehicle to have a look while he pumps the brakes. I confirm that it is indeed working properly.
Cop: I'll let you go with a warning.

So, off I go, then it dawned on me. He thought my brake lights were out because I wasn't using them the whole time. I was DOWNSHIFTING haha

stupid cops.
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      06-15-2016, 04:44 PM   #30
2006 330i, TSM, Black, manual, sport
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I was pulled over one time for actually speeding, which I was and he clocked me at 95 in a 65 zone (yes, he should have caught me a little earlier when I was well over 100 - completely open three lane highway).
I pull over to the shoulder VERY close to the guardrail. I didn't want him standing out close to traffic and get clipped by some moron not paying attention. I look back and he crosses between our cars and steps over the guardrail and is now standing in the overgrown weeds next to my car on the passenger side.
Cop: License, registration and insurance
Me: Here you go
Cop: I clocked you at 95. Are you in a hurry?
Me: I'm late for a meeting at work sir (yes, sir comes out of my mouth when I speak to police - I wouldn't want to do their job + I know several police officers).
Cop: I'll be back
Cop: Here's your ticket etc.
Me: Sir, I'm sorry I pulled so close to the guardrail, I didn't want you to be standing out near the traffic and possibly get hit. I didn't realize you'd come up on my passenger side.
Cop: (Literally takes a step back) Thank you
He started to turn to go back to his car and he stopped and looked at me and said
Cop: Tell you what, request a hearing and I'll knock it down to 5mph over the speed limit. It'll more or less just be a reduced fine with no points. So what do you have done to your car? I have an e46 M3 that I just got.

Went to the hearing and spoke to him for an hour about cars and BMW's. He was pretty cool. Got off with 5mph over and no points. Judge was in a great mood too that day.
2017 Porsche C2 - manual of course
2015 GTI S
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      06-15-2016, 04:53 PM   #31

Drives: 08' E92 335 -> 17' F30 340i
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Originally Posted by TSM330i View Post
I was pulled over one time for actually speeding, which I was and he clocked me at 95 in a 65 zone (yes, he should have caught me a little earlier when I was well over 100 - completely open three lane highway).
I pull over to the shoulder VERY close to the guardrail. I didn't want him standing out close to traffic and get clipped by some moron not paying attention. I look back and he crosses between our cars and steps over the guardrail and is now standing in the overgrown weeds next to my car on the passenger side.
Cop: License, registration and insurance
Me: Here you go
Cop: I clocked you at 95. Are you in a hurry?
Me: I'm late for a meeting at work sir (yes, sir comes out of my mouth when I speak to police - I wouldn't want to do their job + I know several police officers).
Cop: I'll be back
Cop: Here's your ticket etc.
Me: Sir, I'm sorry I pulled so close to the guardrail, I didn't want you to be standing out near the traffic and possibly get hit. I didn't realize you'd come up on my passenger side.
Cop: (Literally takes a step back) Thank you
He started to turn to go back to his car and he stopped and looked at me and said
Cop: Tell you what, request a hearing and I'll knock it down to 5mph over the speed limit. It'll more or less just be a reduced fine with no points. So what do you have done to your car? I have an e46 M3 that I just got.

Went to the hearing and spoke to him for an hour about cars and BMW's. He was pretty cool. Got off with 5mph over and no points. Judge was in a great mood too that day.
I would've ate his ass right then and there.
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      06-15-2016, 04:56 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by jhoneil
I got pulled over for a stupid reason last week too. Mind you, I just got my e90 M3 maybe 3-4 weeks ago. I was driving on a normal neighborhood road and we got warning of speed traps. Knowing this, I drive like a grandma in our city. Sure enough, a cop just finished pulling someone over, and pulls onto the road and I happen to just pass him. So, he's behind me for about a mile or so in stop and go traffic during rush hour. After about 8-10 minutes or so, the sirens go off and this follows:

Cop: Nice car, but you've got issues with it.
Me: really? like what? I actually just got it
Cop: You should've checked it out better, your brake light is out.
Me: Apologies officer, like I said I just got the car, so I haven't had a chance to thoroughly inspect it.
Cop: License and registration please.
*I give it to him, no issue. He goes to his car and comes back.
Cop: You know, I think your problem is intermittent because now I see they're working just fine.
*cop asks me to step out of the vehicle to have a look while he pumps the brakes. I confirm that it is indeed working properly.
Cop: I'll let you go with a warning.

So, off I go, then it dawned on me. He thought my brake lights were out because I wasn't using them the whole time. I was DOWNSHIFTING haha

stupid cops.
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      06-15-2016, 10:05 PM   #33
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hahaha you met a dyslexic cop
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      06-16-2016, 01:47 AM   #34
david in germany
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Originally Posted by KingOfJericho View Post
I had a similar one as well.

I was driving to work at about 7am and I habitually bite my nails when I drive. Nobody else on the road and I drive by a cop who pulls right out. I was shocked.

Cop: Do you know why I pulled you over?
Me: No, sir.
Cop: You were talking on your cell phone.
Me: No, I was not.
Cop: Yes, you were. Give me your phone.
Me: (digs phone out of pocket)
Cop: (pretends like he know how to look up my last call)
Me: I can assure you I was not on my cellphone, officer.
Cop: Were you talking on that blackberry? (points to my old school iPod classic)
Me: That's an iPod...
Cop: Well you were speeding too so do you want a ticket for the cellphone or the speeding?
Me: What? I wasn't speeding, sir.
Me: I don't think I should get a ticket at all because I wasn't doing either one of those things.
Cop: I'll be right back.
Me (sticking my head out the window as he's walking to his cruiser): How fast was I going, exactly?
Me: ????????
The cop then turns around, walks back to my window and throws my stuff back in my car and says "SLOW DOWN!" and walks away.

It was so fucking awkward. It's ok dude, you made a mistake... just admit it and let us go on with our day. Thinking back, I can see how it probably looked like I was on my phone but I wasn't. No ticket, just this mediocre cop story.
Cop ever tells you to give him your phone, tell him to get a warrant.
2009 118i Monaco Blue "Maximillion"
2009 335i Saphire Black M Sport "Leopold" Cobb stage 2 aggressive tune, Mishimoto FMIC, Cobb charge pipe, Cobb catted down pipes, Forge diverter valves, BMS inlets and DCI, Cyba scoops and M Individual Audio retrofit and M3 gauge cluster retrofit.
2011 328i Titan Silver M Sport "Franzel" <--Wife's car
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      06-16-2016, 02:14 AM   #35
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Got pulled over in my black camaro SS last year because I was going 65 in a 65 and the police was in the right lane doing maybe 55. Of course when you get passed by a black batmobile, they MUST be doing something wrong. Cop runs me down, lights me up. I pull over. They try to claim I was speeding and I say "nope, I was accelerating to 65, which is the speed I passed you at". This spot of the highway is notorious for the right lane bogging way down due to backed-up off-ramps, and my lane on the left had just cleared out. I saw the cop from behind way in advance, so I just accelerated up to the speed limit. That was too much for the cop. Of course, after I told him exactly what speed I was going he started grasping for straws, then claiming that I was "following too close", and asking me "do you know how to tell if you are following too close?". I said it was probably based on time and he responded "yes, one alligator...two alligator..", with excessively long pauses longer than 1 second in between. It was a little comical. Eventually he figured out I wasn't running a front plate, so I got an unofficial warning for that, but it was interesting to get pulled over for "speeding" when I was doing nothing of the sort. The moral of the story is don't back down and admit to something you weren't doing. If you know you were not violating the law, they need to go packing. The more you document and stick to your story, the less they have and the more trouble they'd get into for pursuing it.
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      06-16-2016, 03:27 AM   #36

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I was at my friend's house catching up and left around 2 AM. I decided to stop by In N Out for some food, and a cop busts a major u turn to pull me over.

She asks, "were you just at the In N Out?"
- No I wasn't, but I'm on my way there.
"Well a white M3 just hit and run one of the employees so I'll need you to step out of the car."
- Officer, I drive an M235i not an M3.
Walks to the back of the car
"Oh... well... ugh.. I never seen this kind of car before. You might want to avoid going to the In N out. They uh might think it was you(?)"

It was so awkward for her, I felt awkward.
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      06-16-2016, 10:07 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by louielouie View Post
I was at my friend's house catching up and left around 2 AM. I decided to stop by In N Out for some food, and a cop busts a major u turn to pull me over.

She asks, "were you just at the In N Out?"
- No I wasn't, but I'm on my way there.
"Well a white M3 just hit and run one of the employees so I'll need you to step out of the car."
- Officer, I drive an M235i not an M3.
Walks to the back of the car
"Oh... well... ugh.. I never seen this kind of car before. You might want to avoid going to the In N out. They uh might think it was you(?)"

It was so awkward for her, I felt awkward.
If your car was white, that's probably close enough that it'd hold up in court that what the officer did was reasonable, even if they had you get out and ran your license/checked your ID. Unless they had "white M3 with license plate number xxxxxx", same make, color, similar model, little "M" logos in places, pretty good match at 2am. Just in the wrong spot at the wrong time.
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