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      08-20-2016, 02:59 PM   #1
European Editor
Dackelone's Avatar

Drives: N54 e82
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Bayern, Germany

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Arrow Wehrtechnik(Army) Museum - Nuremberg

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Wehrtechnik Museum - Nuremberg is a cool place. It's off the beaten path. Off most tourists radar. Heck even most Germans who are into Military History don't know of this place!! But I found it!

It all started off quite innocently talking to a coworker of mine named Mark. He's been over here in Germany for the last thirty years or so years. He was a warrant officer(RET) in the US Army. Mark told me of this place called: NATO 2-1 (two one).

NATO 2-1 was a MUNA depot(an ammunition storage facility). Mark told me how he remembered having to pull guard duty there often and that it was the only place where they were authorized to "deadly force" IF anyone attempted to get into the MUNA facility. He also said "we" had everything stored there but NUKES(!). He couldn't remember exactly where it was located, he just remembered it was outside of the Nuremberg area. This peaked my curiousity and I hit Google up as soon as I got home that day! It was pretty easy to find.

NATO 2-1 was located in Feucht, a suburb of Nuremberg. Most people will know of Feucht from the Autobahn gas stations on the A9 there.


Google lead me to this site...
Feucht NATO Site 23 - Ammunition Storage Area Feucht, called NATO 23

NATO 23 or FASA Feucht
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here's an old German map of the depot...
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So... I guess Mark's memory was a little rusty... it was really called: NATO 23, but I felt like I hit pure gold! And technically the US Army called this MUNA depot a: FASA (Feucht Ammu Storage Area)

They(we) had chemical and conventional weapons stored here - an probably some "other stuff" as well. It was first used by the NAZI's during WWII. After WWII we had our EOD guys deactivate the German weapons. Looking at the old photos we burnt/incinerated the chemical weapons(on site!) that the Germans had stored there and blew up all the convention ordinance left over from the war.

What I found interesting was after we turned the MUNA back over to the Germans... a few years later, they discovered that the site was leaking. So the Germans(and probably footed by the American tax payer) spent many, many millions of Euros(two-digit millions) to seal off the underground bunkers with concrete. That was back in 2006. Today the site is an industrial commercial center.

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when Allied bombs were found in the city of Nuremberg... they were dug up and brought to the MUNA for disposal. Even today the Germans are still finding bombs that the Allies dropped in WWII on Germany! But nowadays its safer to deactivate them where they find them.
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post WWII... the German workers who lost their lives disposing of these weapons.
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sign on front bumper reads(in German) "bomb disposal unit".
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incineration of chemical weapons... post WWII...
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the temporary museum/display in Feucht that is now closed.
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I found an interesting like in the above website to another site. It was a museum that was no more, in the Nuremberg area.

Then after looking thru that website... I realized that the people who ran that closed museum had founded a new "museum club" and moved to a different location! In Pegnitz(on the other side of Nuremberg)! I was back on the hunt to find this place!

I found an English page of this "museum club" and I was looking forward to visiting them.

But the Museum is only open the first Saturday of every month and only from 2pm until 5pm. A few months had past before the moon & stars were in alignment and I was able to go for a visit. It was worth the wait!

The Museum is kind of "quirky" place. Its low budget but its filled with the real deal.

HERE is where you can find the "museum" in Pegnitz.

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Wehrtechnik Museum
90552 Roethenbach (Pegnitz)

The Museum is open ONLY on the FIRST Saturday of every month(Spring to Fall)
From 14.00 bis 17.00 Uhr

to arrange for a tour...
Tel. 09158 928851 or 0911 614550

How to get to the museum...
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      08-22-2016, 03:30 PM   #2
European Editor
Dackelone's Avatar

Drives: N54 e82
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Bayern, Germany

iTrader: (1)

Here is a video I found on the museum. Gives you a feel for the place.

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