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      04-13-2006, 08:45 PM   #45
fresher den you
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get an m5 or m6 ull smoke him then hehe
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      04-13-2006, 08:52 PM   #46
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jeez ur worked up over some guy that passed you on the road? well i duno about you bud, but i have better things to concern my mind with.
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      04-13-2006, 09:18 PM   #47
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Sometimes I drive 65mph, sometimes 80+mph, and occasionally 100+mph, the point? I drive fast when I want to, but not to race people. If I get tail gated, I just move the right, and let the idiot pass me. I didn't buy the car to race people, I bought the car for the joy of driving a BMW.

Occasionally, for the fun of it, I tail gate the car in front of me for a while, if they yield, I speed up and pass them, if they speed up, I slow down and watch the idiot moving faster and faster away from me, and put a smile on my face.
330i Titanium Silver/Black/Aluminum Auto
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      04-13-2006, 09:28 PM   #48
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I got my ass beaten by a Porsche Carrera. BMW should increase the HP.
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2002 Acura MDX - wife's ride
2000 Ford Expedition Eddie Bauer 4x4 - wife's SUV retired after 120K miles and lots of problems
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      04-13-2006, 09:50 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by BiggieJ
mazdaspeed6 is okay...if thats what you want. if you want a boy-racer car then id spend my money on a wrx or a evo. i know mazdaspeed6 is trying to avoid that by giving it somewhat toned-down exterior/interior. and they said it was made for the more mature crowd who wants performace...blah blah blah. but they thing about the mazdaspeed6 is that it doesnt do anything particularly well. its got 270 hp- thats okay (but the torque is good at 280 because of the FI) the handeling is again, just okay. exterior is just okay. everything is just okay. nothing to writte home about. they found a nich for people who want okay cars. its NOT a race car. its NOT a luxery sedan. its kinda of a sporty sedan...but i can think of many other cars that'll be a better buy.

and for us BMW drivers. lets get one thing straight. WE DO NOT DRIVE RACE CARS. i see these thread about racing other cars and if thats what you want to do with your car, then boy, have you bought the wrong car. our 3 is quick. its not fast. our cars is not the most luxurious car you can buy either. BUT its kinda of like the mazda, except our BMW's does EVRYTHING really well. we drive cars that are damn good driver cars and pretty much are towards the top in every catergory but we do not drive cars that excels in any one. i know its cliche, but its the whole package. anyone whose even driven a bimmer can tell you that.

the truth is our cars always performed well in real world tests because that what it was designed to do. perform in the real world. but make no mistake there are a plethora of cars that is faster than our and can outhandle our cars. so if you can beat a scion or a mazda and that makes you happy then good for you. but dont be surprised when you get outrun by soccer moms in mediocre hondas and toyotas and even SUVs.

just go back to that first day when you decided to buy a BMW. thats what its all about. theres a reason why we decided to buy a bimmer. we knew what we were getting into and as for me i never looked back. ive driven fast cars, cars that handle like go karts, luxury car ... but damn it its my 3 that puts the biggest smile on my face. our cars is the epitome of what a luxury sport sedan is. i dont think any other manufactor can/will make that statement.
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      04-13-2006, 10:12 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by BiggieJ
mazdaspeed6 is okay...if thats what you want. if you want a boy-racer car then id spend my money on a wrx or a evo. i know mazdaspeed6 is trying to avoid that by giving it somewhat toned-down exterior/interior. and they said it was made for the more mature crowd who wants performace...blah blah blah. but they thing about the mazdaspeed6 is that it doesnt do anything particularly well. its got 270 hp- thats okay (but the torque is good at 280 because of the FI) the handeling is again, just okay. exterior is just okay. everything is just okay. nothing to writte home about. they found a nich for people who want okay cars. its NOT a race car. its NOT a luxery sedan. its kinda of a sporty sedan...but i can think of many other cars that'll be a better buy.

and for us BMW drivers. lets get one thing straight. WE DO NOT DRIVE RACE CARS. i see these thread about racing other cars and if thats what you want to do with your car, then boy, have you bought the wrong car. our 3 is quick. its not fast. our cars is not the most luxurious car you can buy either. BUT its kinda of like the mazda, except our BMW's does EVRYTHING really well. we drive cars that are damn good driver cars and pretty much are towards the top in every catergory but we do not drive cars that excels in any one. i know its cliche, but its the whole package. anyone whose even driven a bimmer can tell you that.

the truth is our cars always performed well in real world tests because that what it was designed to do. perform in the real world. but make no mistake there are a plethora of cars that is faster than our and can outhandle our cars. so if you can beat a scion or a mazda and that makes you happy then good for you. but dont be surprised when you get outrun by soccer moms in mediocre hondas and toyotas and even SUVs.

just go back to that first day when you decided to buy a BMW. thats what its all about. theres a reason why we decided to buy a bimmer. we knew what we were getting into and as for me i never looked back. ive driven fast cars, cars that handle like go karts, luxury car ... but damn it its my 3 that puts the biggest smile on my face. our cars is the epitome of what a luxury sport sedan is. i dont think any other manufactor can/will make that statement.
That's a cop out response. BMWs are drivers cars, yes, and they are SPORTY driver's cars. They are not JUST great handling cars they represent the WHOLE package. If I just want a car that handles really well I can buy a Mazda Miata or a Honda Civic.

I bought my Bimmer because it handles well AND it's sporty. Straight line perfromance isn't everything but when I throw down 45+ G's on THE ULTIMATE DRIVING MACHINE I'll be damned if I expect to get smoked by a soccer mom in a Carolla.
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      04-13-2006, 10:35 PM   #51
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a honda civic corners well???????????????????????????????

nice front drive understeer!!
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      04-13-2006, 11:11 PM   #52
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I'm sitting here reading all THREE pages of posts, and I have to say that every post makes sense. You all have good points but I have to wonder, why does this topic touch such a nerve? It seems that everyone here is a little too sensitive about BMW and HP. This includes those of you that have posted those "sensible" remarks about how "it doesn't matter". If you are so secure why are you even posting anything? Why does one guy who got passed by a Mazda in conditions NONE OF US are privy to make a post, and it sets off three pages of jib jab?

Just Wondering
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      04-13-2006, 11:15 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by ward
a honda civic corners well???????????????????????????????

nice front drive understeer!!
Sorry to tell you, but the Civic Si could probably outhandle your car
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      04-14-2006, 01:36 AM   #54
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Originally Posted by Ethirtynine
Sorry to tell you, but the Civic Si could probably outhandle your car
Civics are nice cars (I should know, I have a 95 integra gs-r), but just what makes you think it will outhandle a 3 series?
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      04-14-2006, 01:37 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by BKsBimmer
I feel your pain bro. Get ready to be smoked by the likes of Camrys and Carollas ... Toyota just fitted the new ones with 268 horses. I love the handlind of my Bimmer but it's just plain humiliating to get dusted by a Camry.
This is a joke right? I'm assuming sarcasm or just straight idiocy.
2017 540i MSport
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      04-14-2006, 01:45 AM   #56
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Originally Posted by Ethirtynine
Sorry to tell you, but the Civic Si could probably outhandle your car
What is this about? 2006-7 Civic Si stock gets .85g on the skidpad, which is pretty good. The e90 stock gets .89.

I'm not going to even touch FWD or RWD... and the understeer factor.

I don't see a need for an apology.
2006 330i SG/Terra ZPP Step OEM Spoiler...and Blacklines!!
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      04-14-2006, 01:57 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by KungFuJoe
This is a joke right? I'm assuming sarcasm or just straight idiocy.
No joke buddy. Read and weep. The new Camry has more HP than your E90.

2007 Camry engines:

2.4-liter 4 cylinder VVTi, twin cam, 4 valves per cylinder. 158 hp at 6,000 rpm, 161 lb-ft torque.
3.5-liter V6, dual VVTi, twin cam, 4 valves per cylinder. 268 hp at 6,200 rpm, 248 lb-ft at 4,700 rpm
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      04-14-2006, 02:02 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by Dizzy330i
What is this about? 2006-7 Civic Si stock gets .85g on the skidpad, which is pretty good. The e90 stock gets .89.

I'm not going to even touch FWD or RWD... and the understeer factor.

I don't see a need for an apology.
You're a typical BMW enthusiast that thinks your car could outhandle everything on the street. Please, let's not magazine race. I said the Civic could probably, not will, probably outhandle a 3-series. You make it seem like the Civic doesnt even have a chance. Only one way to find out
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      04-14-2006, 02:06 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by BKsBimmer
No joke buddy. Read and weep. The new Camry has more HP than your E90.

2007 Camry engines:

2.4-liter 4 cylinder VVTi, twin cam, 4 valves per cylinder. 158 hp at 6,000 rpm, 161 lb-ft torque.
3.5-liter V6, dual VVTi, twin cam, 4 valves per cylinder. 268 hp at 6,200 rpm, 248 lb-ft at 4,700 rpm
No...I KNOW the new camry has more HP. What I meant was...you must be joking if you think anyone actually cares.
2017 540i MSport
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      04-14-2006, 02:08 AM   #60
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Originally Posted by Ethirtynine
You're a typical BMW enthusiast that thinks your car could outhandle everything on the street. Please, let's not magazine race. I said the Civic could probably, not will, probably outhandle a 3-series. You make it seem like the Civic doesnt even have a chance. Only one way to find out
No one said anything about outhandling EVERYTHING...but a FWD Civic? Let's give the 3 series a little more credit than that.
2017 540i MSport
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      04-14-2006, 02:30 AM   #61

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Originally Posted by BKsBimmer
No joke buddy. Read and weep.

Dramatic ever?
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      04-14-2006, 02:37 AM   #62
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Originally Posted by 325er
I'm sitting here reading all THREE pages of posts, and I have to say that every post makes sense. You all have good points but I have to wonder, why does this topic touch such a nerve? It seems that everyone here is a little too sensitive about BMW and HP. This includes those of you that have posted those "sensible" remarks about how "it doesn't matter". If you are so secure why are you even posting anything? Why does one guy who got passed by a Mazda in conditions NONE OF US are privy to make a post, and it sets off three pages of jib jab?

Just Wondering
we post "jib jab" for the same reason you post your "wondering"

because its entertaining. i dont think any of us are losing sleep over this. its just fun to talk about cars.
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      04-14-2006, 02:45 AM   #63

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Originally Posted by 325er
I'm sitting here reading all THREE pages of posts, and I have to say that every post makes sense. You all have good points but I have to wonder, why does this topic touch such a nerve? It seems that everyone here is a little too sensitive about BMW and HP. This includes those of you that have posted those "sensible" remarks about how "it doesn't matter". If you are so secure why are you even posting anything? Why does one guy who got passed by a Mazda in conditions NONE OF US are privy to make a post, and it sets off three pages of jib jab?

Just Wondering
Eh, well, BMW prides itself on building sporty automobiles. They're doing great in handling, but why so far behind in engine performance? First nissan, then acura and toyota build higher-hp machines. Why did it take until the e90 (later) to be competitive power-wise with the altima and G35 and TL? And why still lagging behind? Shouldn't BMW have been the first to cross 250hp and now 300hp in a production small sedan? And not in a limited-production "M" model.

BMW still has the most balanced package, but HP is their primary weakness today. HP, though, is one of the areas where you would NOT expect a weakness to be.
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      04-14-2006, 08:50 AM   #64

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Originally Posted by Ethirtynine
Sorry to tell you, but the Civic Si could probably outhandle your car

no it can't
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      04-14-2006, 08:51 AM   #65

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Originally Posted by BKsBimmer
No joke buddy. Read and weep. The new Camry has more HP than your E90.

2007 Camry engines:

2.4-liter 4 cylinder VVTi, twin cam, 4 valves per cylinder. 158 hp at 6,000 rpm, 161 lb-ft torque.
3.5-liter V6, dual VVTi, twin cam, 4 valves per cylinder. 268 hp at 6,200 rpm, 248 lb-ft at 4,700 rpm

more HP doesn't necessarily mean speed.
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      04-14-2006, 09:00 AM   #66

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Originally Posted by bos
Eh, well, BMW prides itself on building sporty automobiles. They're doing great in handling, but why so far behind in engine performance? First nissan, then acura and toyota build higher-hp machines. Why did it take until the e90 (later) to be competitive power-wise with the altima and G35 and TL? And why still lagging behind? Shouldn't BMW have been the first to cross 250hp and now 300hp in a production small sedan? And not in a limited-production "M" model.

BMW still has the most balanced package, but HP is their primary weakness today. HP, though, is one of the areas where you would NOT expect a weakness to be.

I agree that BMWs (especially the 3 series) are made to be sporty. If y'all bought one because you wanted something luxurious and comfortable to drive, then you need to go trade it in for a Benz or Audi.

And increase in HP doesn't necessarily mean faster or better performing. Look at the G35. 298hp. 37hp less than the M3 but who do you think is gonna win a race between those 2? The increase from 265 to 298 didn't help the G much either against the e46 ZHP. With 235 hp the ZHP still out performs the G35s 298.

BMW non-Ms in my opinion are balanced out very well in terms of performance. They are not meant to be race cars, but sure can meet the challenge when demanded.

oh and yes, there is a BMW coming out that surpasses the 250hp mark without the M badge....the turbo

I am starting to slowly realize that this forum is not about BMW enthusiasts, but BMW owners.
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