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      06-28-2008, 03:05 AM   #1
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Bay Area, Ca

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What is your Favorite Movie Rant?!

Seriously, I want to know. I could literally post dozens, but I will start off with just a few. A great movie rant can sometimes make an ok movie - memorable and great. There are no rules, feel free to choose any genre of film from drama to comedy. A couple that I have chosen are roughly 5 minutes long, so make sure you have enough time to view them all the way through, as they do take some time to develop fully.

This first one is from "The Believer" which in a nutshell is about a young Jewish man that develops into an anti semitic yahooo, it's quite entertaining, especially around the 3:15 mark.


The second clip is from a more recent film, "There will be Blood". Here is a short synopsis from In the 1890s, Daniel Plainview, a struggling silver miner, finds his true wealth in petroleum extraction while taking the orphaned child, H.W., as his own for a valuable family man image. In 1911, Plainview gets a tip on a valuable supply on the struggling Sunday family ranch in the impoverished Little Boston, California. In his quest to acquire the property, Plainview meets the sanctimonious Eli Sunday, the young reverend of the local church with his own ambitions for his diocese and the profit from the oil. As the oil wells begin, an escalating conflict arises between exploiters of many kinds while Plainview's canny ruthlessness gradually sinks into a slowly mounting malevolent madness. In doing so, it begins to drive every emotional bond away that all the wealth he gains can never replace. Written by Kenneth Chisholm

The last one for now is from "Glengarry Glen Ross", and it is actually fitting because he sounds like the typical BMW owner and he actually mentions that he drives one in this clip, watch it and learn!

Ok, one last clip. This is from "Reservoir Dogs" opening scene that talks about tipping. Discuss!

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