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      Yesterday, 06:54 PM   #111
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Originally Posted by dreamingat30fps View Post
How would you know? Don’t you explode if you get to close to an EV??
Possibly, I try to avoid getting cancer so I tend to steer clear. But yeah, teslas are as luxury as McDonalds is to a steakhouse. Both serve…”food” and both have “beef” but Im sure you understand why those words are in quotes.
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      Yesterday, 06:56 PM   #112
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Originally Posted by Efthreeoh View Post
It's no use to try and explain to EV'ers who home charge that not everyone owns a home with a garage or driveway that has easy access to the home's electrical infrastructure. It's hard to explain that millions of houses have only on-street parking and can't charge at home. It's tough to explain to EV'ers that millions of people live in apartments and can't charge at home.
He has a user handle named after A VWAG product (and a terrible one at that) and lives in Cali. You can safely ignore everything he says.
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      Today, 08:53 AM   #113

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Originally Posted by AmuroRay View Post
He has a user handle named after A VWAG product (and a terrible one at that) and lives in Cali. You can safely ignore everything he says.
Well, I believe in freedom of speech and freedom of debate, and I do appreciate people trying to change my mind. I think Socal is an educated and rational person worth listening to, as is Gblansten.

I can see Socal's point of view. If I lived in a location that had immense sunshine, which made a home solar electrical generation system possible and economical and fit within local aesthetics and could fuel my car with the energy it produces, it would be difficult to argue against it. Where my issue lies is with California's CARB mandates, which for some reason it feels it has the right to spread over the entire country and world for that matter. Over the long run, I don't think sustainable energy is cost effective and aesthetically pleasing. I'm a centralized nuclear electrical energy production advocate and hydro advocate (based on physics rather than politics).

I've done extensive research for over a decade on whether to adopt the EV architecture (outside of this forum) and I'm not yet convinced it is worth switching based on cost and convenience. None of the EV owners here or on EV forums have convinced me that EV is better than ICEV. If for some reason I lost all five of my cars and had to start fresh and replace them, I'm still not convinced I get an EV as a single vehicle fleet. I have five cars simply out of collecting new ones and not getting rid of the old ones, because they are all fun cars to have. They cost me insurance and property taxes, which I'd prefer not to pay, but that's my choice. If I started over, I'd pair down to just two (because machines break and one needs a backup), would one be an EV, at this point, no. Mainly because they are over-tech'd for my tastes. But they need the tech because EV are such a PITA to fuel on a road trip away from their home fueling station. ICEV are just way easier to use; it doesn't mean I'm an "EV hater", what a stupid thing to say about someone.
A manual transmission can be set to "comfort", "sport", and "track" modes simply by the technique and speed at which you shift it; it doesn't need "modes", modes are for manumatics that try to behave like a real 3-pedal manual transmission. If you can money-shift it, it's a manual transmission. "Yeah, but NO ONE puts an automatic trans shift knob on a manual transmission."
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      Today, 11:02 AM   #114
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tesla cant be beat tbh all the rest are inferior
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