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      03-05-2009, 09:13 PM   #1
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Another Camera for my specific needs thread...

Hey guys, I read through the first 5 pages of this section of the forum with the hopes that I would find a thread that could help me out but it seems that for P&S cameras, everyone wants to splurge about the g10

However, the g10 isn't really a viable choice for me because the camera needs to fit in my pocket. (Btw I am back on the market because my Fujifilm s700 crapped out on me during a concert). What I need in a camera is...

-Fit in pocket (I was wondering, are there like straps that you can latch around your ankle to hold a camera or something? I go to a lot of music concerts and the fujifilm was a pain because it was so large).
-Retain a sense of professionalism (This is why I wanted the professional semi SLR look of the s700, I always cringe when I see guys pull out their ruby red polished digital cameras that look like they are sold at a victoria's secret - the fact that the g10 looks like a serious camera while being compact makes it desirable, but I have no need for that level of sophistication or size or weight (i've heard it was around 1 lb) Also, if the camera can have addons like lenses that would be cool too.
-Take good photos (The fujifilm had its good moments and its bad moments, sometimes it impressed me with clean photos but most of the time, they really sucked with lots of grain-e-ness - the g10 sounds like it has really good quality)
-Has a decent speed of taking photos (This used to be my top priority with buying a camera because I the publicist of a club and needed to get as many pictures as possible in a set amount of time however, the s700 could spit out shots so quick but i realized that with this speed i could easily be sacrificing quality).
-Battery Life? (I'm confused about this, because I remember the good ol' days when the digital camera battery took forever to charge and could take like 50 photos with flash max.... Has this changed? I was skeptical when I was previously searching for a digital camera and chose the s700 partly because it had disposable double A batteries, I've always hated going out all night and taking pictures and once that rechargable battery dies, no more pictures for you, I like the option of being able to just go to the nearest 7-11 and stock up, however if the current technology (with lithium and whatnot) has the ability to sustain all nighters, then I guess this isn't a problem.
-Durability (Ok this is pretty important because I was jumping around during a concert with my s700 and it broke during the primary portion of the concert and fucked my night up when I couldnt take pictures...I need something that can fit in my pocket but can sustain damage.

Price Range - 0-$400.

I say this price range because if there really isn't anything that provides good quality and is compact, I'll just buy the g10...

TY guys if you bothered to read this and help me out on it. And I know that some of you will be like Wtf use search but honestly I think I have pretty specific needs for the camera I want to buy and couldn't find anything in the first 5 pages (everyone seems to want a camera for backup slr or learning how to use a camera but i need one that's durability, really good quality, and portable).

Originally Posted by canucklion View Post
I thoguht I was on not
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      03-06-2009, 06:15 PM   #2
Just another peanut in the Turd!
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well if you are wise in your shopping then you could get a Leica D-LUX3 or the new D-LUX4 for between $400-600... There are the cheaper Panasonic versions that are about half the price out there too but if you want to look retain that professional look then Leica all the way (plus I like their back-end color mapping better)
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