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      07-07-2010, 10:33 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by thez99 View Post
Sorry if ur offended..

But ive heard everything uve said before, frankly im tired of hearing it. Thats why I asked for interest only posts. I dont care what you can build urself for what money. This is what Im selling it for because that is what its worth. Now please stop filling my FS thread with supposed reasons not to buy my computer...
You are trying to rip people off so you can sell your computer and you keep asking us to not post when we say that it is not a good deal? W/e dude, good luck selling your comp.
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      07-08-2010, 12:15 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Koroush View Post
You are trying to rip people off so you can sell your computer and you keep asking us to not post when we say that it is not a good deal? W/e dude, good luck selling your comp.
Well thanks for jacking the thread even though I asked you politely several times to butt out, your "advice" does no good here, whether you feel Im ripping people off is 100% your opinion, doesnt give you the right to go on and on about it. The system is worth that and I wont change the price just cause you complain about it, obviously Im not taking advise from you, all you're doing is degrading my sale, and its a personal item that is hardly that old and performs wonderfully, I dont give a shit if it doesnt have the newest processor, etc. it is well worth what I am selling it for. I dont go around to all the other FS threads and bitch n whine about the prices people are selling their shit for, its disrespectful and im pretty sure against the thread rules of these forums..

Anyhow, lets call all this nonsense a free bump. Ill gladly respond to posts of actual interest but will not however to ones just trying to kill the value of this system. If you dont approve of my price or what im selling, it doesnt take much to just piss off
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      07-08-2010, 04:23 AM   #25
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I'll pay 500 altogether including shipping to Canada. (basically the cost of that case, water cooling components, psu, and hdd)
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      07-08-2010, 03:17 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by gun6slinger9 View Post
I'll pay 500 altogether including shipping to Canada. (basically the cost of that case, water cooling components, psu, and hdd)

The cost of the hardware in the system alone is worth over $1100, ive compared prices on several sites, and thats not including the fans, cable management, case, OS (xp sv.2 cds), or new keyboard and mouse im including. And considering this system is not very old at all and theres no problems with it, theres no reason to go fucking lowball like that..$500?? Im not looking to just throw this away for a couple hundred so I can skimp away with the money, Im selling this serious hardware for what it is worth and for what I need to sell it for so I dont take too much of a loss. I agree alienware overcharges for their systems, but they also put the entire thing together, and quite well If i might add, and since Im no computer DIYer, I was willing to pay the extra money for this service, and yes the name tacks on value I suppose. My current price is already taking quite a hit and loss, anymore and itd be pointless.

Please, enough with the attacks and lowballers. Honestly, if you have an offer, please PM me, otherwise, I would think posts are for serious questions and concerns.
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      07-08-2010, 04:38 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by thez99 View Post
Now please stop filling my FS thread with supposed reasons not to buy my computer...
I never gave a single reason why someone shouldn't buy your computer. I was just correcting a false statement of yours claiming that "computers dont depreciate in value much over a span of 6-8 months, specially with nothing wrong with them".

I wasn't trying to rain on your parade at all; just making sure it was understood that this was a fallacy.

Anyway, good luck with your sale. Obviously it's worth whatever someone will pay for it, so if someone gives you $1250, then it was not overpriced.
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      07-08-2010, 04:47 PM   #28
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You have a deal for $100 shipped.

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Originally Posted by Gordon Murray View Post
Being a fan of Honda engines, I requested that they consider building for the F1 a 4.5 liter V10 or V12. I asked, I tried to persuade them, but in the end could not convince them to do it, and the McLaren F1 ended up with a BMW engine.
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      07-08-2010, 05:17 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by blue2fire View Post
You have a deal for $100 shipped.
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      07-08-2010, 05:25 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by ragingclue View Post
I never gave a single reason why someone shouldn't buy your computer. I was just correcting a false statement of yours claiming that "computers dont depreciate in value much over a span of 6-8 months, specially with nothing wrong with them".

I wasn't trying to rain on your parade at all; just making sure it was understood that this was a fallacy.
True...true. Computing power doubles roughly every 18 months (Moore's Law). By the time you get your new computer set up at home, it's no longer the latest and greatest.
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      07-08-2010, 05:52 PM   #31
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not to be a downer or anything, but I can build a faster computer for the same amount of money you are asking for this old computer. 5 months may not seem like a long time from our perspective, but in the electronic perspective; your computer was obsolete within one month. Trying to sell a computer is very hard to do when new products that are faster and cost close to the same keep coming out.
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      07-08-2010, 07:41 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by gun6slinger9 View Post
I'll pay 500 altogether including shipping to Canada. (basically the cost of that case, water cooling components, psu, and hdd)
Originally Posted by blue2fire View Post
You have a deal for $100 shipped.
I got first dibs guys!! lol
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      07-08-2010, 07:44 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by kyleb350 View Post
True...true. Computing power doubles roughly every 18 months (Moore's Law). By the time you get your new computer set up at home, it's no longer the latest and greatest.
Recently Intel made a press release that stated they believed Moore's Law was wrong. Regardless, can this thread die now? I'm sick of looking for new tech news I might have missed and only seeing, "Buy My old computer".

Take it to the For Sale section, or post it up over on
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      07-08-2010, 07:53 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by UltimateBMW View Post
Recently Intel made a press release that stated they believed Moore's Law was wrong. Regardless, can this thread die now? I'm sick of looking for new tech news I might have missed and only seeing, "Buy My old computer".

Take it to the For Sale section, or post it up over on
Its too bad, more than half this damn thread is just people putting my computer down, saying they could build a better computer blah blah...I just wanted to sell my system

Im sure there's plenty of people out there who dont know how the hell to build a fast computer like me, and wouldnt mind paying the value for a system like this. I guess my asking nicely for people to stop trolling and spamming this thread isnt working so fuck more responses from me here, have at it all you want guys
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      07-08-2010, 11:17 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by thez99 View Post

The cost of the hardware in the system alone is worth over $1100
Thats your opinion right? The only problem we have is that you state that like it is some kinda fact.

tip: Craigslist is the best way to sell, or ebay.
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      07-14-2010, 02:25 AM   #36
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Way too expensive

Not to waive my e-9enis or anything, I just want people to know where my opinion is coming from and how much experience is backing it up. Computers are literally my entire life. I've professionally worked in the general "personal computer" field since I was 14 (I'm 23 now) and in middle school. I broke away from the shop I worked for throughout high school when I was 18 (the owner was a complete idiot) and started my own on site computer repair and consulting business. I now have a successful business with a few guys working for me. My personal expertise/passion/love is in home computers, more specifically, computer hardware.

To the seller: No one feels your pain like me my friend, I've been in the EXACT same position. When the business took off and I finally had the disposable income to build my dream computer, I went ahead and pulled the trigger on all the parts (from if anyone wants to know a good place for parts). All in all it cost me about 4 grand. 2 RAID (stripe) 10,000 RPM raptor hard drives (solid state weren't really available at the time), ridiculous processor at the time, fancy memory with digital readouts and beautiful heat syncs, a video card so huge I had to choose the case around it, speaking of case I even went for a top of the line Lion-Li (the Ferrari of cases), yada yada yada... I even bought a legit license for Vista Ultimate instead of downloading it. Well long story short, I guess I had it built up in my head so high that it never really could have met my expectations and after a month or so I was really unhappy with it. I wasn't into gaming and was starting to travel a lot so I decided a MacBook Pro would be a much better machine (and it ended up being just that). The computer was so new I figured I could get at LEAST 2/3's what I paid, and at the very least, I could get 1/2. I was in the best possible position to sell it because I had plenty of connections to existing customers that needed computers so I figured it would be pretty easy. Long story short I ended up having to sell it for FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS! I was SHOCKED. Since then I started paying much closer attention to the resale value (or lack thereof) of computer equipment and I've learned that it even puts cars to shame. I dare say that NOTHING (besides food) loses value faster then (most) consumer electronics. When people come to me now with laptops (PC not Apple, Apple's do much better) they want to sell, and it's been around 6 months since they bought it, I have to tell them all they can reasonably expect is about 1/4 to 1/5, if not much lower, then what they paid. At first it may seem to go against your intuition, as I read above you stated the same thing I used to think. It's not like the parts don't work as well now, it's not like you have to worry about "wear and tear", they're virtually identical to new no matter how much they've been used. Hell, the only moving parts are the hard drive and fans. It's got more to do with the fact that technology is moving faster and faster and parts are being outdated in 2-3 months. Stuff that costs $1,000 now will get handily beat by stuff that costs half that in less then a year. So basically it comes down to why buy used when you can buy new?

Onto the computer in question... Between Macs and PC's, PC's have a far worse resale value, and among PC's, Alienware's are among the bottom of the pile. You paid a few hundred for a name that gets you absolutely nothing now. Potential customers interested in a computer for gaming will typically build their own because they need absolute maximum bang for their buck. The kind of customer that's interested in high performance and is willing to pay extra for a name brand isn't interested in a used computer, they'll just as soon spring for a brand new one. If they're in the $1200 range then they can get a brand spanking new Alienware Aurora with a Core i7 (a FAR better processor then the Quad Core), 3 gigs of DDR3 memory at 1333Mhz, even better liquid cooling, Windows 7 Premium, and dual ATi Radeon 5670 video cards with 1GB of GDDR5 memory each for $1299 right now. That's the full retail price too, meaning with a little hunting around it can be found for even less. And don't forget the new machine will have a full warranty to cover any bad parts while the guy buying yours has to take a huge gamble that nothing goes wrong. You can find this deal right on Alienwares site btw.

Bottom line? Consider yourself lucky if someone will pay $500 for it. Period.
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      07-14-2010, 12:41 PM   #37

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Probably just better put it on Craigslist and see what you get. Alienware is still a cool looking system and water-cooling is neat so you might find someone who isn't very knowledgeable about computers who will buy it.

One problem you might find, however, people who are not very knowledgeable about computers probably wouldn't need a computer like this.

So unfortunately you are in kind of a catch 22

Good luck with your sale though.
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      07-15-2010, 12:58 AM   #38
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Alienware stuff is soooo overpriced in the first place. If you want to see what a good deal is, and get a real idea what you can get for your money without having to build yourself, check out ibuypower. That is where I got my system from, and I paid A LOT less then the same system from Alienware
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      07-15-2010, 10:13 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by TRZ06 View Post
Alienware stuff is soooo overpriced in the first place. If you want to see what a good deal is, and get a real idea what you can get for your money without having to build yourself, check out ibuypower. That is where I got my system from, and I paid A LOT less then the same system from Alienware
The computer I had before my current one was built at They didn't charge nearly as much as a company like Alienware, and there were so many customizability options, it was ridiculous. Of course, I could have saved a bit by building it myself (as I did with my next one), but there's something to be said about a company that will put your customized PC together for a nominal price, and back it up with a warranty as well.
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      07-15-2010, 11:56 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by utahnguy View Post
Not to waive my e-9enis or anything, I just want people to know where my opinion is coming from and how much experience is backing it up. Computers are literally my entire life. I've professionally worked in the general "personal computer" field since I was 14 (I'm 23 now) and in middle school. I broke away from the shop I worked for throughout high school when I was 18 (the owner was a complete idiot) and started my own on site computer repair and consulting business. I now have a successful business with a few guys working for me. My personal expertise/passion/love is in home computers, more specifically, computer hardware.

To the seller: No one feels your pain like me my friend, I've been in the EXACT same position. When the business took off and I finally had the disposable income to build my dream computer, I went ahead and pulled the trigger on all the parts (from if anyone wants to know a good place for parts). All in all it cost me about 4 grand. 2 RAID (stripe) 10,000 RPM raptor hard drives (solid state weren't really available at the time), ridiculous processor at the time, fancy memory with digital readouts and beautiful heat syncs, a video card so huge I had to choose the case around it, speaking of case I even went for a top of the line Lion-Li (the Ferrari of cases), yada yada yada... I even bought a legit license for Vista Ultimate instead of downloading it. Well long story short, I guess I had it built up in my head so high that it never really could have met my expectations and after a month or so I was really unhappy with it. I wasn't into gaming and was starting to travel a lot so I decided a MacBook Pro would be a much better machine (and it ended up being just that). The computer was so new I figured I could get at LEAST 2/3's what I paid, and at the very least, I could get 1/2. I was in the best possible position to sell it because I had plenty of connections to existing customers that needed computers so I figured it would be pretty easy. Long story short I ended up having to sell it for FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS! I was SHOCKED. Since then I started paying much closer attention to the resale value (or lack thereof) of computer equipment and I've learned that it even puts cars to shame. I dare say that NOTHING (besides food) loses value faster then (most) consumer electronics. When people come to me now with laptops (PC not Apple, Apple's do much better) they want to sell, and it's been around 6 months since they bought it, I have to tell them all they can reasonably expect is about 1/4 to 1/5, if not much lower, then what they paid. At first it may seem to go against your intuition, as I read above you stated the same thing I used to think. It's not like the parts don't work as well now, it's not like you have to worry about "wear and tear", they're virtually identical to new no matter how much they've been used. Hell, the only moving parts are the hard drive and fans. It's got more to do with the fact that technology is moving faster and faster and parts are being outdated in 2-3 months. Stuff that costs $1,000 now will get handily beat by stuff that costs half that in less then a year. So basically it comes down to why buy used when you can buy new?

Onto the computer in question... Between Macs and PC's, PC's have a far worse resale value, and among PC's, Alienware's are among the bottom of the pile. You paid a few hundred for a name that gets you absolutely nothing now. Potential customers interested in a computer for gaming will typically build their own because they need absolute maximum bang for their buck. The kind of customer that's interested in high performance and is willing to pay extra for a name brand isn't interested in a used computer, they'll just as soon spring for a brand new one. If they're in the $1200 range then they can get a brand spanking new Alienware Aurora with a Core i7 (a FAR better processor then the Quad Core), 3 gigs of DDR3 memory at 1333Mhz, even better liquid cooling, Windows 7 Premium, and dual ATi Radeon 5670 video cards with 1GB of GDDR5 memory each for $1299 right now. That's the full retail price too, meaning with a little hunting around it can be found for even less. And don't forget the new machine will have a full warranty to cover any bad parts while the guy buying yours has to take a huge gamble that nothing goes wrong. You can find this deal right on Alienwares site btw.

Bottom line? Consider yourself lucky if someone will pay $500 for it. Period.

But welcome to the forums.

Anyways, used PC market is harsh. Might be better off parting it out on another forum or craigslist/ebay.
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