Originally Posted by Bmoney2K4
I leased this crappy 335i coupe i wont go into detail but its junk now some people will get offended i understand they worked hard to ride in one of these cars. Now the coupe sucks and thats my opinion, blind spots, hard to change lanes, sedan looks so much nicer especially in black with blacklines.
I know I should have test driven the mercedes c350. Have any of you had the oppurtunity? Is it a better ride, more comfortable, can it come close to steering and handling like a BMW? How are the seats and speed. DAMN i made a huge mistake and have been beating my mind senseless for 3 weeks. that seems outrageous but i dont give a damn. lots of money went into this car dammnnnnnnnnnnn.
"Junk" "Crappy" "Sucks"
Any more, troll?
Haha..you think a C350 has anything more to offer...that's a laugh.