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      12-24-2008, 01:45 PM   #67

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Originally Posted by borisivan View Post
.... if you know anything about the conflict then you know Afghanistan is not about liberation.

Taliban knew exactly what AQ was and rejected our pleas for intervention. Then, 9/11 occurred, guess what Taliban, you're not allowed to exist anymore. You have a problem with that? I don't. Iraq is debateable and much more complex, but our presence in Afghanistan? Gimme a break, douchebag.

If you don't support our presence in Afghanistan removing the Taliban infrastructure, then this means you support the idea of a host government allowing their 'people' to plot terrorist plane bombings, carrying them out, and then saying "haha you can't do anything about it, and neither can/will we". Since that's your take, I think you can go suck on your dad's dick. How about that!
Why would I suck my dad's dick when you've already done it for me, "douchebag"?

First of all, read my statements...and once again, read our fucking country's history. I'm not saying what they're doing is wrong, just saying it won't go anywhere, flash back vietnam.
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      12-24-2008, 02:01 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by Accord View Post
As some of you guys know I just got back from Afghanistan, well here is a video of my platoon and some of what we did over there...
Sick video! Thank you for your service to our country.

Originally Posted by Accord View Post
Yes, a "wedding party." To jackasses like you who believe everything that your news media spoon feeds you it sounds like a tragedy, to a US Marine like me who has actually been there and can see through the bullshit, that wedding party was nothing more than a cover for a meeting of taliban leadership taking place at a known taliban compound which coalition forces have previously been engaged from. Civilian casualties my ass. But hey, some random canadian knows more than the guys actually there.

I operated with canadians in Afghanistan, they were good guys and knew their shit but it's sad that they're doing what they're doing over there for unappreciated little bastards like you. Unless you've been there, shut the hell up because you know nothing. I wish you could go out on just one patrol with the canadian army in Kandahar, your entire perspective on life and your view of the world would completely change.
Amen to that. People have no clue how ruthless they are....

Originally Posted by Accord View Post
Perhaps I never should have posted this. Civilians don't understand combat and you clearly don't understand what you just watched. There's nothing more positive than witnessing US Marines killing bad guys. What more do you want? If you want pictures of us giving candy to kids, families returning to their homes and their lives, us building the first school in helmand province in more than 50 years, and all that heartwarming feel good stuff, i've got tons of footage of that... but that's not something that gives me a hardon so we didn't put it in our video.
I too have friends fighting overseas & most lib-tards have no idea how much good you guys are doing out there.

Originally Posted by Accord View Post
Clearly you're a self hating liberal douchebag and obviously don't even know the first thing about Afghanistan. I'm not going to educate you going point by point with that garbage you just posted, i'll just simply state that you're wrong and your views of the war over there are so far from what reality is and your perspective on Afghanistan is completely backwards.

You have Marine friends? Is this supposed to somehow give you credibility? You sound like a racist who hates black people, but when confronted about it you've all of a sudden got a lot of black friends, so it's O.K.! My 3rd cousin married a black guy, so we're cool bro!

I don't give a shit who your friends are or who you're related to, you're not a Marine. You've either been there and done that or you haven't and don't even try and put yourself into my shoes, you don't know what i've seen and you don't know what i've done.
Piss of a liberal, be proud of your country

Originally Posted by Accord View Post
Not really.

The civilians in Helmand Province love American's. After we pushed the Taliban out of the city and back into Pakistan we had civilians coming up to us every single day, fathers telling us the Taliban killed his wife and two sons and thanking us for what we did for his country and thousands of stories just like it. Anytime we have a successful deployment like mine was, it gives the people hope for the future which in turn results in a large increase in recruitment for the ANP and ANA.
Again, they have no idea. MSNBC doesn't touch this news....

Originally Posted by Accord View Post
If you weren't so narrow-minded and could realize the bigger picture in which every single bullet fired, every rocket launched, every bomb dropped in that video was one step closer to an entire city of thousands upon thousands of innocent civilians being liberated from the worse than nazi-like rule of the, taliban maybe your opinion would change.
+100000000000 again

Originally Posted by Crimson92 View Post
bubble of security my ass

we are on the verge of a call that secure???
FAR from it.... Open up your fridge. Do you have food in it?

Originally Posted by darkphantom View Post
I lol'd at this. Maybe you don't realize it, but America is one of the biggest thugs since it got its fucking independence in 1776. Let's see, treason to it's home country, oh well, no problem. Rape and pillage the Native Americans and STILL to this day treat them like shit? no problem. Continuing through the 19th and 20th century, we went in and invaded South American countries and oppressed them. Third world countries in the middle east, etc...

Think about it, here are the naive, innocent third world countries, needing help, here comes the Badass Super Power USA to help us out. Yes! We need help, what will you do? We will tell you we can help you, and you will need tons of money, so we will loan it out to you (billions of dollars) and you will think we are doing a good job until a few years later where everything fails - lo and behold, we've been setup and now we owe the USA billions of dollars!?
Sure the S.American countries haven't done much, but think about the middle east...they're not like the S. Americans and when they get fked over, they take revenge.

Why not read some books after you're done "killing some baddies" ?

Just don't be so closed minded, sure war changes people - They see things, they do things, but that doesn't change the facts.

Sex, Money, Power - the three main factors of seduction. This is what the U.S. government thrives on. PM me if you want more info....

Oh and incase you don't believe me, this is a quotation from Donald Rumsfeld...."We [the pentagon] cannot track 2.3trillion dollars in transactions"

look up Jim Minnery...he tried to look up where $300M USD went...but when he confronted the director, he got "why do you care about this stuff??"
-defense financing and accounting, former marine.
...... Where do I start here? For starters if your a full blooded Native American, uncle sam writes you a check for $2000 a month for being you. Not to mention free from paying taxes, free land, and TONS of benefits. Hell, if you marry a native american, you'll get paid $1000 a month, no matter what your ethnicity.

What would have happened to those countries if the US did nothing? Your brainwashed...... Where are you from?
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      12-24-2008, 02:09 PM   #69

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Originally Posted by ChrisFastM3 View Post
...... Where do I start here? For starters if your a full blooded Native American, uncle sam writes you a check for $2000 a month for being you. Not to mention free from paying taxes, free land, and TONS of benefits. Hell, if you marry a native american, you'll get paid $1000 a month, no matter what your ethnicity.

What would have happened to those countries if the US did nothing? Your brainwashed...... Where are you from?

Wow, look what the cat dragged in. That's the thing about you "patriots" always the loud-mouthed look at the army. I'm from the United States, and I've lived most of my life here, 17 years of it in fact. 5 years abroad...but I've been back to visit several times. I'll also be an economist I pride myself into seeing what our country is doing and what it has done. Also the Native Americans NOW have a decent amount of respect, but take it back, oh say a few decades? Please.

I'm not going to say anymore, because it feels as though the army has "brainwashed" you. Great job, to the U.S. Military. I commend you. You've helped so many, but don't go marching so blindly. Look at how many you've hurt as well. As far as what would have happened to those might want to look into the fiscal reasons for "invading" a country...we have so much leverage on these South American countries. Venezuela for example, Chavez says he has had enough of the Americans etc...but we've got them by the neck. Not to mention they have oil in the trillions of gallons in their reserves (as of 2006). Not likely happening since the U.S. is the biggest importer of Oil and Exxon is a U.S. company...

Hu-rah to you soldier, semper-fi w/e it is you guys do.
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      12-24-2008, 02:19 PM   #70
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      12-24-2008, 02:20 PM   #71

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      12-24-2008, 02:22 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by darkphantom View Post

jh valley here. dont mind me... im just saving this thread with cute animals
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      12-24-2008, 02:24 PM   #73

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Several things:

1. Don't expect the OP to think differently. Combat today (say compared to WWII and Vietnam for example) is very removed at many levels. With advances in technology comes a certain "detachment" from warfare. And when you are killing w/o seeing, you don't feel the same. You are simply removed, and the enemy is not as tangible. This is a big difference that perhaps some don't think about in modern warfare. Modern war is becoming more and more like a video game...

2. Why are people considered liberal if they don't agree with the current administration/policy? This is a silly label.

3. There seem to be people who only know history post 9/11. And their views and opinions reflect that limited knowledge. And what they know about 9/11 is just what was shown on FOX, media, etc. Superficial knowledge for many - not all. People don't take the time to think too much - just throw out insults on the Internet, etc. Sad.
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      12-24-2008, 02:25 PM   #74

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Originally Posted by jh valley View Post

jh valley here. dont mind me... im just saving this thread with cute animals
Yeah, but that Pomeranian gave his right leg for this country. Respect!
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      12-24-2008, 02:29 PM   #75
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Originally Posted by urbo73 View Post
Yeah, but that Pomeranian gave his right leg for this country. Respect!
i didnt even see that little 'cast' aww
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      12-24-2008, 02:31 PM   #76

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Originally Posted by jh valley View Post
i didnt even see that little 'cast' aww
what?! that's why I lol'd!
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      12-24-2008, 02:34 PM   #77
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Originally Posted by darkphantom View Post
what?! that's why I lol'd!
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      12-24-2008, 02:39 PM   #78

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where are j00 getting these from?! EH?
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      12-24-2008, 03:01 PM   #79
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Wow, some of the posts in this thread make me want to smash my head into a wall. :facepalm:

To the OP, thank you for all that you have done over there, and I am glad to see that you made it back home safe.

BTW, you have good taste in music.
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      12-24-2008, 03:02 PM   #80
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Originally Posted by ChrisFastM3 View Post

Amen to that. People have no clue how ruthless they are....
YOU, OP and those like you are the reason why the world hates us...
You're so brainwashed that you trully believe 100% in what you type. Yes, we DID murder THOUSANDS of innocent in our quests of spreading democracies, and our own way of justice...
Here are some:
- Bombing of Radio + TV Station in Belbrade:; A good HS friend of mine was at work that night...just like the CNN person that reads censored news every night...
- Chinese Embassy in Belgrade:
- Train Bombing:
- Cluster Bombs (not allowed by the UN):

NOTE: All articles say "NATO" -- all events above have been done by the US Military as part of NATO Mission.
I could go on and on....


Read all the way...

100s of thousands in Iraq...

It is sad to really believe in what you and OP said above...
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      12-24-2008, 03:08 PM   #81

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if you are a soon-to-be economist, you may want to take a look at the book "confessions of an economic hitman", and also some of paul krugman's essays (i'm thinking princeton wouldn't hire a total dumbass for tenured faculty)

i believe most of these things are driven by economics and/or political expediency. take, for example, us intervention in somalia. most people would argue that it was to feed the starving brown people/savages, etc. i had a prof in undergrad who said it was about oil, and i remember thinking "what kind of shithead is this?", so i asked my dad (who is a petroleum geologist). long story short, he pretty much confirmed it, because at the time, he worked for the oil company in question that was going to start exploration off the horn of africa once somalia was 'stable' enough...

my issue is people should call a spade a spade, instead of trying to couch as some kind of humanitarian crap. what you have in afghanistan is the us trying to clean up the "blowback" of what it was doing in the late 70s/80s i.e. FUNDING and TRAINING a bunch of wahhabi fundamentalists to fight the soviets.
go bears
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      12-24-2008, 03:11 PM   #82
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Originally Posted by MBChariot View Post
That is truly what you believe? I am not going to argue with you but you have a lot to learn and we'll see how much the Marines take care of Afghanistan. I was in the Army and did two tours in Iraq and I could go on about how you guys handled things there but I won't do that.

I love Marines.
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      12-24-2008, 03:17 PM   #83
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Originally Posted by dth656 View Post
my issue is people should call a spade a spade, instead of trying to couch as some kind of humanitarian crap. what you have in afghanistan is the us trying to clean up the "blowback" of what it was doing in the late 70s/80s i.e. FUNDING and TRAINING a bunch of wahhabi fundamentalists to fight the soviets.
Exactly, which is why are presence in Afghanistan is necessary. Leaving Afghanistan now is repeating the same mistake the US took in the Soviet War, and I'm glad it 'bit them in the ass'.

Thanks for your service to our country, Accord
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      12-24-2008, 03:31 PM   #84

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Its funny u put RATM for the background music of that video. The biggest inside joke is that fratboys love RATM and RATM is actually singing against their dumbasses. Similarly, you do realize that RATM is completly against everything going on there right now. Just ironic is all.

I think some music designed for the truly braindead would be fitting for this video. Britney spears is probably better fitted to the demographic who would enjoy this video but obviously not badass enough. Which rockers are from texas? Got it, you should use Pantera next time, tho I dont know their political slant but they are probably on board with you.
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      12-24-2008, 04:13 PM   #85
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Thanks for your service! Dont let some bring you down.

Obviously they are taught not to bring politics into there job(marines)

Now everyone wants to batter him with politics

All I have to say is 9/11 happen... If we did nothing we are a weak superpower who gets attacked and does nothing. And we did something and many have so much to say. There really is no pleasing AMERICANS!

Reality is hard but some don't like it until it knocks on your front door!!!
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction. - Albert Einstein

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      12-24-2008, 04:48 PM   #86

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^yes 9/11 did happen, any idea of what the premise was behind it? The god damn architect of the building wrote a letter proving that the melting point of the building was higher than that of jet-fuel....jet fuel melted the foundations my ass, but I'm not going to open that can o' worms. Let's just leave it at that. Once again, everyone is thinking I am somehow bashing this marine for doing his job except they're completely missing the point. I'm not arguing against what his job is, but rather his theories behind why he is doing what he is doing.

Originally Posted by dth656 View Post
if you are a soon-to-be economist, you may want to take a look at the book "confessions of an economic hitman", and also some of paul krugman's essays (i'm thinking princeton wouldn't hire a total dumbass for tenured faculty)

i believe most of these things are driven by economics and/or political expediency. take, for example, us intervention in somalia. most people would argue that it was to feed the starving brown people/savages, etc. i had a prof in undergrad who said it was about oil, and i remember thinking "what kind of shithead is this?", so i asked my dad (who is a petroleum geologist). long story short, he pretty much confirmed it, because at the time, he worked for the oil company in question that was going to start exploration off the horn of africa once somalia was 'stable' enough...

my issue is people should call a spade a spade, instead of trying to couch as some kind of humanitarian crap. what you have in afghanistan is the us trying to clean up the "blowback" of what it was doing in the late 70s/80s i.e. FUNDING and TRAINING a bunch of wahhabi fundamentalists to fight the soviets.
John Perkins. One of the few that actually realize what our country is, and what it has done. I'm sure your realize my frustration when people don't understand, but can we blame them?

Media scapegoats everything...a little reading and a little skepticism goes a long way, especially when it comes to our media.
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      12-24-2008, 04:52 PM   #87
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Originally Posted by BaLLzZz View Post
Thanks for your service! Dont let some bring you down.
Believe me bro, a couple anti-american muslims and liberals on the internet aren't going to bring me down, this thread is a nice reminder that i'm not doing what I do for the country, i'm doing it for my fellow Marines and that's it .

Live in America and you can hate the government and hate the military all you want. Go live in Afghanistan and criticize the taliban and see what happens to you and your family.
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      12-24-2008, 04:54 PM   #88

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Originally Posted by Accord View Post
Believe me bro, a couple anti-american muslims and liberals on the internet aren't going to bring me down, no matter how misguided they may be .

Live in America and you can hate the government and hate the military all you want. Go live in Afghanistan and criticize the taliban and see what happens to you and your family.
Wow, and here I thought you were somewhat educated, I guess the racial slurs never stop. I'm done with this thread.
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