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View Poll Results: Legalize it?
Leagalize Marijuana by all means! 73 52.14%
Legalize only "Hard Drugs". forget about Marijuana. 3 2.14%
Dont legalize anything. are you nutz kiemyster!? 64 45.71%
Voters: 140. You may not vote on this poll

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      11-02-2007, 11:13 AM   #89
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Originally Posted by imolazhp_ci View Post
marijuana and i have a love hate relationship. but i dumped that bitch and haven't seen her in 2 months.

Grats keep it up!!
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      11-02-2007, 05:23 PM   #90
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Originally Posted by ArmyBimmerDude View Post
Then your whole argument about legalizing pot because alcohol is legal is complete garbage. It would probably take me a case of beer to become as impaired is I have been when I've smoked pot. I havent smoked in a long time because of the military.

I can just see it now. People driving and smoking in their cars. lol
many studies have show people drive just as efficient when stoned versus sober. but its illogical, and thats why most people deny the tests, and say it was rigged/poorly conducted. unfortunately, its true. however, i strictly am against driving while influenced under any drug. especially alcohol.
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      11-03-2007, 08:52 PM   #91
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Originally Posted by ArmyBimmerDude View Post
Then your whole argument about legalizing pot because alcohol is legal is complete garbage. It would probably take me a case of beer to become as impaired is I have been when I've smoked pot. I havent smoked in a long time because of the military.

I can just see it now. People driving and smoking in their cars. lol
Garbage? WTF r u talking about?

You can't say just because you have to drink a whole case of beer means that everyone needs to do the same just to get the effect of one joint.

Not everyone has YOUR tolerance for alcohol.

Not everyone has YOUR tolerance for marijuana.

How much marijuana are you smoking to get the same effect?

How potent is the marijuana?

How much do you weigh?

There are all sorts of factors that come into play when you compare what happens to you when you have one over the other.

Last edited by Los Angeles; 11-03-2007 at 09:54 PM..
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      11-03-2007, 10:05 PM   #92
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^^^^^ preach it brother!!!!
these foos forget we did choose alcohol as our choice of drugs durign the war against drugs.
So yes its our DRUG OF CHOICE... Have u not seen any type of history movies!!!!
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      11-04-2007, 04:58 AM   #93
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the main reason its illegal is because the government cant make money off of it. also, because of the shitload of propaganda they have put out, legalizing it makes the uneducated masses question their honesty.

if it were legalized, hemp would be the next biofuel, saving the world on its dependency of oil. hemp would also be used to make paper, and because the government makes money from taxing loggers, they dont want to loose that source of income.

if it were legalized, the pharmaceutical companies would loose out big time, and guess what? the government makes a large portion of money from them.

either way you look at it, the government benefits from keeping it illegal, but it could be costing us our lives, and eventually our planet. Fight back, Smoke Weed Every Day.

Pot doesnt destroy lives, the stigma that is carried along with it, as well as the consequences do. did u know if you grow 100 plants, you get a life sentance and a fine of 10,000,000?!

think about it. figure your risks out. i live in a country where marijuana is the least of our governments concerns. yours however are a bunch of cunts. so. if you think u can do it sucsessfully, go for it.

dont try it to releive stress first, just do it recreationally. once you slip into the groove of it, your good to go.

have you ever read the reason why marijuana was originally classified as a drug? ill edumacate you:

in America, at the time (1930's) all the minorities, such as blacks and brown skinned people were doing it. the police figured this was a great excuse to lock them up and get them off the streets.

they claimed it made you insane, and would make you kill your family in a crazy rampage. all of it was bullshit. did you know it is impossible to die via marijuana intoxication? its impossible. unlike alcohol. drink enough, and your heart will stop beating.

did you know your brain has designated cannaboid receptors? thats right, our body, and brain was designed for the intake of cannabis.

This is NOT copy and pasted. i took this out of one of my documents i wrote concerning NORML. all information i have posted below is truthful, however i will not be held responsible for them. If required, i can post a list of my sources of which my information was taken from. This is only a short summary from my document, and i can provide you with more information as required. I am an activist for the legalization of marijuana, and have read over 12 thousand pages of text alone on this said subject. after thinking, im changing my title from: King of Trinidad & Tobago to: E90 Post Residual Marijuana Guru lol.

The following list summarizes the efficacy of cannabinoid drugs for medical conditions:

(effective use/treatment)
Appetite loss
nausea and vomiting

Therapeutic use of marijuana and cannabinoids has a history spanning over 4,500 years. The costs and benefits of smoked marijuana or cannabinoids can vary widely, given the range of individual reactions to drugs. medications that may work for the vast majority of patinents can have little impact onothers. these idiosyncratiic reaction suggest that patients and physicians can only judge the utility of cannabinoids on and individual basis.

Currently, no data reveal definitve increases in rates of luing cancer among people who smoke marijuana but not tobacco. a study of over 64,000 patients showed no increases in risk for many tupes of cancer once alcohol and cigarette use were controlled. THC is not carcinogenic itself.

People who smoke cannabis but not cigarettes rarely experience lung problems. conclusive proof of marijuanas negitive impact on the lugs of humans will require decades of reasearch. most people die from smoking tobacco than any other single cause..

Advanced techniques in brain imaging reveal that those who start cannabis use in adulthood show no marijaua induced changes in brain structure. New measures of function include brain imaging techniques that measure blood flow and metabolism, and assess brain waves, which relate to the way that people process information. they also reveal marijuana related changes did not appear in MRIs or CAT scans.

After marijuana intoxication, people experience time, space, and emotions differently. They can drive a car as well as the unintoxicated, but these consistent results are so counterintuitive that most people find them unbeleiveable. Individuals are no more aggressive after smoking marijuana. Intoxication usually lasts a couple of hours, depending upon dosage. after it ends, there is little hangover or residual effect.

(all above information is Copyright: Kieran S.)


this is copied and pasted from NORML:

Marijuana is far less dangerous than alcohol or tobacco. It fails to inflict the types of serious health consequences these two legal drugs cause. Around 50,000 people die each year from alcohol poisoning. Similarly, more than 400,000 deaths each year are attributed to tobacco smoking. By comparison, marijuana is nontoxic and cannot cause death by overdose. According to the prestigious European medical journal, The Lancet, "The smoking of cannabis, even long-term, is not harmful to health. It would be reasonable to judge cannabis as less of a threat than alcohol or tobacco."
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      11-04-2007, 09:55 AM   #94
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That is the last thing I need is this shit to be legalized. I think smoking cigarettes should be illegal. I can't stand to open my business door and have the nice fresh smell of cigarettes come filtering into my fitness oriented business.
And if this shit got legalized, I could have my kids around it getting high at the age of 10 off second hand smoke? Like I said earlier, spitting and smoking are the two dirtiest forms in public places. I say keep it banned and maybe one day completely confine smoking to limited areas and away from kids!! Pisses me off to see some young kids riding with mommy and daddy with windows rollled up and mom and dad just smoking away. Poor kid never has a chance.

My rant for the day.

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      11-04-2007, 12:02 PM   #95
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Originally Posted by younghov85 View Post
Ok i am taking a biological basis class, and what your talking about we have discussed. In my opinion marijuana will never be legalized for the simple reason that the gov't cant make any significant money off it. I mean tobacco is a billion dollar business and the gov't gets much of that money. With marijuana, they dont tax it, so they cant profit from it.
UNDER THE CURRENT REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT...I think this poll is about changing that environment, so...the number ONE cash crop is not taxed BECAUSE it is illegal. Change that and the whole dynamics change. Regulate the growth, distribution and sale...think liquor / sin-tax model...we're talking billions of additional revenue...add in safeguards to keep people from driving and smoking (pupillary sobriety tests, eg), and for the employers who are concerned about workers' abuse, give your workers daily cognitive / coordination tests that ensure the worker can think/reason/see/react properly for the task at hand. And fire anyone's ass who's not getting the job done REGARDLESS of smoking or not.

The whole precept of marijuana's illegality is not based on science, but on:

i) prejudice against minorities in turn-of 20th century USA (see Reefer Madness and read newspapers about "marijuana crazed Negroes and Orientals", for example

ii) The need for the War on Drugs to continue sustaining itself. What would the DEA, Customs and the local SWAT team do w/o this target? Focus on hard drugs and their insidious effects? Maybe not let off their fellow LEOs who drive drunk or speed with impunity?

Change the paradigm and you can change our lives.

Smoking pot should not be a crime. I know many who share this view, including a deceased circuit court judge from NJ who saw too many families ripped apart because of bs mandatory minimum sentences for something that was NO BIG DEAL, even when he was coming up in the 1930s (yes, people have gotten high throughout history).
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      11-04-2007, 06:53 PM   #96
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Originally Posted by speedgod View Post
That is the last thing I need is this shit to be legalized. I think smoking cigarettes should be illegal. I can't stand to open my business door and have the nice fresh smell of cigarettes come filtering into my fitness oriented business.
And if this shit got legalized, I could have my kids around it getting high at the age of 10 off second hand smoke? Like I said earlier, spitting and smoking are the two dirtiest forms in public places. I say keep it banned and maybe one day completely confine smoking to limited areas and away from kids!! Pisses me off to see some young kids riding with mommy and daddy with windows rollled up and mom and dad just smoking away. Poor kid never has a chance.

My rant for the day.

If marijuana was legalized, I'm pretty sure you would only be allowed to smoke it in 21 and up environments. None of your kids will be around it the same way they aren't inside of bars drinking.
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      11-04-2007, 07:12 PM   #97
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what ever i say legalize it and make it easier for smokers and dealers to do their thing.. tax it and thats it everyones freaking happy lol literally
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